Knowing that the 100 level was a huge concern when visiting the Rogers Centre since the day I went and before ( I'm old lol ). So to me, this is a big resurrection in my eyes. Not only the visual but being there in the present will be a big difference moving forward. This has been a top 3 that they needed to fix and I cannot wait for the renovations. It's been a long time lol.
Also worth remembering how far we've come

..If only we could bring back the old late 80's/early 90's management with the new ballpark updates, then everything would be almost perfect.
Also worth remembering how far we've come


Listen it's come a long way to the point I don't mind it anymore. I mean I used to hate the place and being baseball park fanatic, it drove me nuts we had one of the worst parks in baseball.

Due to its organic nature of how it was designed, I'll never be totally happy with it, but at least I don't cringe when I look at it anymore.
For anyone interested, here's a rough edit I made of the Rogers Centre using the transparent roof model someone made about a year ago


I think even if a small portion of the dome was made clear, it would have a significant impact, particularly when the dome is closed.

For anyone interested, here's a rough edit I made of the Rogers Centre using the transparent roof model someone made about a year ago


I think even if a small portion of the dome was made clear, it would have a significant impact, particularly when the dome is closed.


This plus being able to hide the roof completely when open would be a good idea
This plus being able to hide the roof completely when open would be a good idea

I think it all comes down to how much of the roof is made to be transparent. One concern brought up in this thread is that fielders might have trouble spotting fly balls. But if the glass didn't go past the outfield, this shouldn't be an issue.

In a perfect world, the hotel wouldn't be there, and they'd be able to open things up. I'm really curious to know what some of the other renovations ideas were.
For anyone interested, here's a rough edit I made of the Rogers Centre using the transparent roof model someone made about a year ago


I think even if a small portion of the dome was made clear, it would have a significant impact, particularly when the dome is closed.

Just need to add the proposed Oxford buildings behind it with the swooping curved roofs.
Kind of wish they'd do the glass, though falling ice might be an issue since it put a hole in the metal one.
Just need to add the proposed Oxford buildings behind it with the swooping curved roofs.
Kind of wish they'd do the glass, though falling ice might be an issue since it put a hole in the metal one.

I would have, but I didn't really have a photo to work with from the right angle, and size.
