Re: cladding


There are - but I don't think they are nearly as big as the floor-spanning ones at ROM. Architectural Record reported that they are having leakage issues re: snow and ice.

Here is a link to some pics from Cubistro:

Re: cladding

Well, *this* Denver winter surely must have been trial-by-fire (or ice)...
Re: cladding

The ROM is designed to handle our winter, whereas perhaps the Denver one wasn't thought out as well with regard to weather. The leading edges of the ROM's panels are, according to the architect's talk I attended and reported on previously, angled up slightly to break up snow as it slides off. And water and snow run off happens beneath the cladding panels.
Re: cladding

If you stop by the site, you'll see piles of cladding in crates by the fence. There's not a whole hell of a lot of difference between the coating and the finish that I could see, but it's hard to gauge because only the very ends are peeled back. It's definitely almost the same colour as the coating, but the jury's still on on reflectiveness.

I imagine that - as much fun as a dramatic reveal would be - they'll peel off the coating as they go. So we'll probably see something soon...
Re: ROM pix

Those pictures look awesome. The interior is really coming along and looks fantastic so far.

There is a great shot of the cladding there which shows the metallic reflection of the aluminum.
Re: ROM pix

Every step of this project has been a pleasure to watch - from the assembly of the amazing maze of structural steel to this final addition.
ROM avoids city fee

ROM avoids city fee

Mar 28, 2007 04:30 AM
Donovan Vincent
City Hall Bureau

The Royal Ontario Museum won't be paying a yearly $2,400 "encroachment fee'' for a new wing that overhangs public space but will instead put aside spots in its March Break camp for kids from a high-needs area.

But that deal, worked out between Councillor Adam Vaughan and the museum yesterday and later approved by the Toronto and East York community council, didn't sit well with Councillor Joe Pantalone, who voted against the move.

He vowed to continue his challenge when the matter goes before city council for final approval next month. He plans to ask staff to provide more details about the city's 21,000 encroachment agreements.

The ROM's new Crystal wing overhangs public space on Bloor St. A city rule says property owners with such structures must sign an agreement and pay yearly fees.

The ROM had asked that the fee be waived as a gesture of support.

"I think the ROM should be embarrassed, frankly, for bringing forward a proposal (to get) the city to forgo $2,400," Pantalone said. "For an organization that's able to raise $150 million, which aspires to be world class ... to simply go and beg for pennies, which can be used for other city programs."

He said groups more needy than the ROM don't get excused from the fee.

But Councillor Kyle Rae said the ROM's development didn't see a penny from the city, so "I'm prepared to be generous."

Vaughan, whose ward takes in the ROM, said excusing the museum would set a bad precedent. So the ROM has agreed to allow Ryerson Public School to put five low-income children in its March Break camp every year.

WTF? Only 5 kids? I would have at least demanded double the number of spots.

Re: ROM avoids city fee

Oh Louroz, 10 spots would just encourage more children to be poor.

Re: ROM avoids city fee

I wonder what the snooty parents will say when they realize their "precious" will have to socialize with children of "those people".

Somehow, I think I am enjoying that.

Re: ROM avoids city fee

The March Break camps were around $250 per kid for one week x 5 kids = $1250.

The ROM is ripping off the city by half. 10 kids would have amounted to $2500 exactly.

