Re: ROM avoids city fee

On both occasions that I've been to the ROM's Peruvian bling exhibition, the rug rat encampment was full of the little tykes - digging in sand boxes and playing archaeologist. I would imagine there is a limit to how many extra children, poor, midddle class or "snooty", that the ROM can enroll in their popular programs.
Re: ROM avoids city fee

How many poor kids get free programs at Mississauga museums, one wonders?
Re: ROM avoids city fee

The ROM used to have free admission because we used to have Provincial governments that funded our cultural institutions adequately.
Re: ROM avoids city fee

But thanks to the good people of 905, we have that no longer.
Re: ROM avoids city fee

Oh, they started cutting back in the 1960's - when Mississauga was all open fields, old barns and cowpats.
Re: ROM avoids city fee

rdaner....thx for those pics....looking real good...
Re: ROM avoids city fee

More than anything, the ROM's cladding panels remind me of the suspended metal panels in TTC subway stations.

Some of the ROM's panels are slightly different colours too, the result of different die lots. And, though we're paying bespoke prices for this thing, unlike a bespoke suit where the stripes on the jacket line up where they meet the stripes on the arms, the ROM's panels don't line up where they meet at the corners.

But the grey will be gorgeous.
Re: ROM avoids city fee

But this is money the city is not giving never had it in the first place. It is unbelievable the logic Pantelone is arguing - you would think the city would just be gratefull that its major institutions were able to make these big improvements that benefit all citizens. Not bemoaning them as tax evading cheapskates. Unbelievable.
Re: ROM avoids city fee

But this is money the city is not giving never had it in the first place. It is unbelievable the logic Pantelone is arguing - you would think the city would just be gratefull that its major institutions were able to make these big improvements that benefit all citizens. Not bemoaning them as tax evading cheapskates. Unbelievable.

But it is money the ROM, by law, should pay.

I don't think they should be excused unless other groups get the same treatment.

Today, 04.03.2007







Is damage to the cladding being shown in the third photo?
If we're looking at the same thing (the line of ragged edges running up the wall) then no. That's just the nitto peeling back from the ends. The shinier part of that surface is the underlying finished material
Obviously it's a work in progress, but judging by the sections that are finished, this is a rather cluttered looking exterior, far from the simple illuminated elegance of the original renderings.
The tonal difference in the panels is quite pronounced in those photos. Not as dramatic as when First Canadian Place was built - and the upper levels of marble cladding actually had to be taken down and replaced - but still ...
