Ryerson made a commitment to preserve that sign and keep it on Yonge Street and they must be kept to their word. I think that sing is one of the best pieces of neon art that this city has. It needs to be kept on Yonge Street. Ryerson SUCKS!

Looks like Ryerson is trying to pull a fast one. No way! The signs have been listed and it was agreed they'd be displayed. This was the deal, no?

Those neon signs, though worth preserving and relocating, would look absurd if they had to be integrated into the Snohetta design. This is scandinavian modernism not Las Vegas POMO.
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Ryerson made a commitment to preserve that sign and keep it on Yonge Street and they must be kept to their word. I think that sing is one of the best pieces of neon art that this city has. It needs to be kept on Yonge Street. Ryerson SUCKS!

Looks like Ryerson is trying to pull a fast one. No way! The signs have been listed and it was agreed they'd be displayed. This was the deal, no?

Please take your rage to the councillor in charge. Tweet @kristynwongtam as she always replies and your statement is made publicly so it can't be ignored or swept under the rug. To her benefit, she says she's negotiating with Ryerson so that may include relocating the sign somewhere else.

I agree that it would look out of place in the Snohetta design but as Tewder says, Ryerson should pay to put it somewhere else appropriate.

Nonetheless, they should have thought of this before they agreed to the conditions attached to buying the property. Ryerson can't say that they didn't know what they were getting into.

EDIT: I've received a reply from Councillor Wong-Tam that energy efficiency is one of the concerns. Well, wasn't it a concern when it was up there for 30 years?

EDIT2: I've been told that Ryerson is pitching a smaller LED reproduction. Sure. Why don't we tear down Old City Hall and put a miniature out in front. It's not the same F#%king thing. This angers me!
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I know things change but what angers me is that Ryerson acted in bad faith and is getting away with destroying elements of the city's history by lying. In order to acquire the property and demolish the Sam's building, they promised to save the signs and put them back up in the new building. Had they not agreed to that, they wouldn't have been allowed to demolish the building. That simple!

Now that my blood is boiling a little less, and because the side of my personality that appreciates beautiful modern design (i.e.the Snohetta design) is looking for a way to agree with the side of me that strives to save Toronto's heritage, I think that a solution could be achieved.

1) Ryerson commissions an art piece that pays tribute to the original signs and makes as much of a visual impact on Yonge St. as those iconic spinning discs. Perhaps spinning LED discs beneath the glass skin of the Student Learning Centre.
2) Ryerson restores and displays the originals in their lobby.
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I dont see the big deal is about the sign to be honest.

It would look ridiculous being incorporated anywhere near whats being built for Ryerson.

Move it somewhere else or get rid of it all together imo.
Please take your rage to the councillor in charge. Tweet @kristynwongtam as she always replies and your statement is made publicly so it can't be ignored or swept under the rug. To her benefit, she says she's negotiating with Ryerson so that may include relocating the sign somewhere else.

I agree that it would look out of place in the Snohetta design but as Tewder says, Ryerson should pay to put it somewhere else appropriate.

Nonetheless, they should have thought of this before they agreed to the conditions attached to buying the property. Ryerson can't say that they didn't know what they were getting into.

EDIT: I've received a reply from Councillor Wong-Tam that energy efficiency is one of the concerns. Well, wasn't it a concern when it was up there for 30 years?

EDIT2: I've been told that Ryerson is pitching a smaller LED reproduction. Sure. Why don't we tear down Old City Hall and put a miniature out in front. It's not the same F#%king thing. This angers me!
I called KWT's office and left a messsage but I also took your advice and tweeted her, along with Ryerson. Thanks for the advice.
I dont see the big deal is about the sign to be honest.

It would look ridiculous being incorporated anywhere near whats being built for Ryerson.

Move it somewhere else or get rid of it all together imo.

I LOVE that sign. It's probably Toronto's best know neon sign and it deserves it's place back on Yonge Street. Can you name another piece of neon art in Toronto that is more iconic or nicer than this one? Just as a matter of principle, Ryerson should be forced to keep it's commitment to restore the sign and put it back on Yonge Street. For me, this sign is YONGE STREET!
The significance of the Sam's sign is strictly sentimental. It's important to those for whom it evokes personal memories. For everyone else it's "what the hell is that thing?"
I suppose Ryerson should find a way to honour their commitment, however ridiculous it may be. But please get a grip. I have been living in the neighbourhood for 24 years and I have shopped at Sam countless times, but I wouldn't go to the barricades for a banal commercial neon sign. There are far more important things to be sentimental about.
I don't think the sign really belongs at Ryerson. You can move it to Dundas Square though. Or a museum.

Though if I never saw the sign again I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.
The significance of the Board of Trade Building/Toronto Star Building/General Post Office/Chorley Park is strictly sentimental. It's important to those for whom it evokes personal memories. For everyone else it's "what the hell is that thing?"

Be careful when describing something so subjective! While the Sam the Record Man signs are not aesthetically pleasing to everyone, they certain are interesting.



They aren't even that gimicky. Just keep the black disks and you have yourself a piece of modern art!
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but I wouldn't go to the barricades for a banal commercial neon sign. There are far more important things to be sentimental about.

But this isn't just a run of the mill "banal" sign. For decades it pretty much epitomized Yonge St - arguably Canada's most famous main drag - and as such it should be considered culturally significant and heritage worthy. (Heritage didn't stop somewhere in the 1930s.) Ryerson should be ashamed of themselves for this flim-flammery.
Be careful when describing something so subjective! While the Sam the Record Man signs are not aesthetically pleasing to everyone, they certain are interesting.

They aren't even that gimicky. Just keep the black disks and you have yourself a piece of modern art!
How about I'll be more careful in my descriptions if you'll be more careful about blatantly mis-quoting people?
What happened to that once-reported notion of mounting the Sam's signs on Kerr Hall?

Otherwise--I acknowledge their iconic quality, but there's something oddly trumped-up about the case for saving them. By and large, btw/the case for the Sam's sign and the case for the air-museum hangars at Downsview, I'd vouch for the latter, even if it isn't as "sexy" or "immediate"...
