27 March 2014

It's a refreshing change from the usual garbage on Yonge downtown: heritage neglect or trashy development like 10 Dundas East.
I love that the Zanzibar is next door. It's sort of like a middle finger salute from the Yonge Street that was.
How come there are no renderings showing the north and east sides of this building? Coming down Yonge Street, the north side will be quite prominent, so why would they not include it in the renderings? Will that boxy part be clad in the white glass? When it's left out of all the rendering pictures, it makes me kind of nervous. This is Ryerson after-all.
They have shown the north side in renderings and elevations various times, but people here tend to focus just on the marketing renderings.

The core/shear-walls at the north end of the building will be clad in a solid cladding of staggered panels.
Where do you see those? It's not in the UT thread for this project. I hope the north side panels aren't cheap and ugly because that would be a whole lot of ugly. (It's a big portion of this building)
The elevations and sections can be seen on Canadian Architect, if I remember correctly.

I wouldn't worry about the north elevation; it won't be long before it will be blocked from view in any case. The building isn't designed to be viewable from all angles as it will eventually be hidden from the north and therefore other priorities (interior arrangements) took precedent in the design.

I imagine whatever cladding they use on the shear walls will be attractive though, I trust Snohetta wholeheartedly.
