I too will now make an extra effort to take pictures of this development from the very publicly owned sidewalk.
I saw we all show up en masse and do this. Anyone want to set a time and date? I'll definitely go :)
What a patronizing guy. I only listen to the friendly kind of security guard, not his kind. Too bad for him ;)
I saw we all show up en masse and do this. Anyone want to set a time and date? I'll definitely go :)

Good idea, 20 or 30 UT'ers snapping pictures through the entrances all at the same time to make a statement. Plus surely some great photos will come of it!
^Not necessary. A generous offering of free Timbitsâ„¢ will render him docile as a lamb.
Nevernamed, you know better.

Buttcon and security are there on behalf of Loblaws. And frankly people here need to get over the photo thing.
You especially have seen inside personally. What are you complaining about?

As for photos at Church street, at least the place is dim enough that most smaries who "steal" a shot will
get a blurry mess and not much detail of how it is. That said, the making of the new store and athletic center
shouldn't be a more fascinating image than the demo phase where there is more frame of reference to the past.

BTW folks, us guards don't especially enjoy having to advise people of the property owner's wishes.
You should be content trying to look up the dress of Britney Spears as she climbs from a car.
You're not missing a darn thing, so please move along nicely. Thanks. And when the arm is down blocking
your way, that's not just us power tripping either. Careful of the trucks.

Wait for the professional photos that will be made public after the place is open so there's not as much
crying and moping over the "shame" of someone actually turning unfit seating into a functioning
facility -- much better than the 10 or 11 years nobody cared (other than Flashpoint, Cinderella Man,
Death to Smoochy, Battle of the Blades and apparently the Pride people who left a mess).
It's a building. The ghosts are gone by the way too. Thanks.

I think i know who you are ;), and I'm not complaining. I'm just trying to motivate people to snap photos. I think there are never too many of them,good or bad. I meant no offense to you or your guys, you've been fantastic. I respect what you guys have to do and deal with. I dont think its a good scene for people to hang around, but at the same time, if people can walk buy and snap a picture or two, that SHOULD be acceptable. No worker should be able to say boo about it.

Anyways, I'm not complaining about what I've gotten to see. I'm fortuante and lucky and thankful for that. And you know that..
if i was making the kind of money Jawsphobia makes, i would be a prick too :p
I clearly understand that being too near a demolition site is a safety and liability issue for the property owners and therefore guards must protect their interests from trespassers, but photography from a public and legal distance? What unsafe practices, illegal activity or Area 51-style alien technology are these people trying to hide?

I clearly understand that being too near a demolition site is a safety and liability issue for the property owners and therefore guards must protect their interests from trespassers, but photography from a public and legal distance? What unsafe practices, illegal activity or Area 51-style alien technology are these people trying to hide?

This is of uppermost concern, whether the subject is broached glibly or not. As it stands, it is already too easy for no-nothings to report what looks to the untrained eye like an infraction, so public time is wasted. To make a long story short, we have the site safety, Buttcon safety reviews, the Ministry of Labor, Loblaw has their own strict safety standards, to the point where there is little else to talk about other than the circus parade of characters on Church street. Now add this into the mix: nobody there wants a bystander hurt, even indirectly, whether or not there is provable liability in a given case. The fewer people standing around, the less people we have to babysit, so of COURSE the nice G20 style mob versus guard idea was a brilliant one and I'll take special note of that incitement if anyone does get hurt in such a mess. We've been fortunate (knock on wood) but we've also been systematic. We are also under ORDERS from the city to keep the sidewalk CLEAR. So even that "public property" we've heard so much about is not really a camping ground. It is a narrow bit of concrete. Step out of the way of people going north or south please, but be careful not to step BACK into the street or FORWARD onto public property and the drop-zone of little bits and pieces of work from the facad and from boots for which the rest of us have hard hats.

Discouraging people from loitering isn't down to a science. Kudos to the genius remark someone made about guards "chasing people onto the internet." Actually the owners of the property have people constantly checking the internet, one casualty of which was a shutterbug friend of nevernamed here whom I wish would stop encouraging people to take photos - especially without regard for quality.

Now I'll give you an example that is a reach but illustrates principle. (And, no, I'm not hopping down from the high horse as one person suggested, sorry.) There is little difference between a paparazzi and people who MUST get a snapshot of MLG's incomplete insides. Princess Di "lived up to her name," as Howard Stern would say, and died because her driver had to evade an element of chaos that was totally unnecessary: paparazzi. Had he been avoiding a milk truck or garbage truck or police car or a tornado it would have been less tragic becase at lease we should take those elements for granted. But the pressence of a paparazzi chasing down its prey was not a natural disaster, actor of God, nor the fleas that come with the dog. It was morons. I laugh when I see someone (on another site) selling his photos of MLG and claiming copyright. That'll be an interesting area of study in the future. If someone from a balloon videotapes you in your apartment or someone taps records your telephone conversations and uploads them, it may be legal. . .but it won't be right. And the law can be flexible when it comes to liability and invasion of privacy an so on.

In short, I can only ask that you consider your safety and the drivers, and the pedestrian traffic for which we all have to make way. The City of Toronto had a rep the other day who chose to step around the barriers and onto the street because the sidewalk was crowded. That wasn't good for anybody. Then more cops have to come around. And if something falls on your head, I can't guarantee that I'll see it. The last thing anyone wants is a flood of internet kooks taking a dive hoping for a lawsuit. At least I know some of that is being egged on and I can document it.

On that happy note, I hope you had a good Rememberence Day. We had our moment of silence, which was very rare.
Be well.
^But we are not talking about hoards of paparazzi, now are we? We are talking about one random guy with a camera, every now and then. I believe Toronto sidewalks are amply wide for one person to be standing and taking a couple of pictures while two others to pass by. If not, then Yonge Street on Boxing Day would be a bloodbath of terrible traffic fatalities. And every store with sandwich-board advertising would be in court battling a wrongful death lawsuit.

Don't give us plattitudes as justification for such militant behaviour. You are not looking out for our best interest or safety, only those of your company and no one believes otherwise.

Please do not ask for our understanding when just by reading your level of frustration and lack of sympathy for our interest, has demonstrated your selfish need to make your life easier, at the expense of common sense and reason.
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I'm just curious then, why don't we see this level of militant security guarding at any of the other many construction sites around town? Safety is just a cop-out facade to cover up the fact that there's some definite high horsing going on here.

Also, disparaging the forumers and photography skills here is not a good way to win people over, or have them respect your requests. This isn't a professional photography forum, it's dedicated to documenting and discussing the city. However, if it makes you happy, I'll rent a Canon EF L-Series telephoto lens for my camera, grab my Manfrotto tripod and come take some professional quality shots. I'll try not to cross your imagined barriers though!
Yep, definitely going over to take some pictures tomorrow.

Hopefully we don't kill MLG with all of the photos tho. Then we'd really feel stupid after the Princess Di warning and all.
Right down to every last detail. The exterior of this building should look great when finished.

