The first apartment block facing Church looks much smaller than I remember. :)

Those were among the first apartment "high-rises" (now considered mid-rises) built downtown. I have a few friends in those buildings, they have big apartments and are surprisingly well soundproofed. Run as a co-operative for many years now, the buildings are very well maintained too.
Joe Fresh is advertising on Kijiji for a jobs fair for its new Maple Leaf Gardens location, if they're getting ready to hire then an opening of some sort must not be too far off.
Southeast corner looking west.

Looking at that picture, I honestly have a tough time seeing that completed and open in a month. Two months maybe, but I just can't see it being sooner.
Looking at that picture, I honestly have a tough time seeing that completed and open in a month. Two months maybe, but I just can't see it being sooner.

Agreed. I went past on my run this morning and all the new windows were uncovered. You could see the whole ground floor - it all looks like android's photo. They've done a tremendous amount of work in there, but they've got a ways to go yet.
Will all of the elements (the rink, Loblaws, the LCBO the gym, etc) be opened at the same time? Or are they all on independent timelines, to open whenever they're ready?
Will all of the elements (the rink, Loblaws, the LCBO the gym, etc) be opened at the same time? Or are they all on independent timelines, to open whenever they're ready?

Can't speak for Ryerson....I know that LCBO has a target of being open in time for Christmas sales (their website says prior to Dec 31, but they I've never seen them open in the week AFTER Christmas); so that's got to be close to the Loblaws time line.
Can't speak for Ryerson....I know that LCBO has a target of being open in time for Christmas sales (their website says prior to Dec 31, but they I've never seen them open in the week AFTER Christmas); so that's got to be close to the Loblaws time line.

I would imagine that Ryerson would certainly want to have at least the fitness centre in before the start of the winter semester. If they can't get it open in the next month or so, I would imagine they would wait until during or after the exam period to move stuff from the current RAC into the new fitness centre, or to move in the new equipment.

Doing the transition when the majority of students aren't on campus (the only ones who really would be are rez students who live far away and can't go home for Christmas), would seem to make a lot of sense, as it would cause a minimal amount of disruption.
So...I've spoken with ....'people'..........

I'm told the target opening weekend is still Nov 12/13, and its fairly firm.

Apparently there will be an advertising blitz ahead of the opening (including TV, if I understood correctly).

The only real question mark was doing a soft mid-week (Nov 9th).
We have a dataBase entry for this project now here.
There's a lot of windows along Church Street, I didn't notice any doors though. I was hoping there would be a few retail spots along here, looks like it will be limited to one or two.
The openings suggest that there might be one or two doors along Church, but that might just be for fire exits and not actual retail units. Even so, the windows already make a huge improvement to the experience of walking along Church. Hopefully they don't get blocked with product displays
