The openings suggest that there might be one or two doors along Church, but that might just be for fire exits and not actual retail units. Even so, the windows already make a huge improvement to the experience of walking along Church. Hopefully they don't get blocked with product displays

First I ever heard about other retailers - I thought that it was only Loblaws and LCBO. I agree that any windows should be open (eyes on the street and all that). Shoppers is a terrible offender about blocking all windows or turning them into 'display niches".
Maple Leaf Gardens' time capsule found

Crews working on the reconstruction of Toronto's iconic Maple Leaf Gardens have found something that just might be a historical treasure — but exactly what it is remains a mystery.

Maple Leaf Gardens was built in the midst of the Depression and opened its doors on Carlton Street in 1931.

For more than 60 years the hockey team, which bears the same name as the building, played on its ice — until February of 1999 when the team moved to the Air Canada Centre.

Maple Leaf Gardens is now being reconstructed, remodelled and refurbished, to make it into a giant Loblaws grocery store, as well as an athletic centre for Toronto's Ryerson University.

But recently, when crews were removing some stone flooring near the old entrance they found something.

According to Randall Gwizd who was working on the site, it was bricklayers who discovered the treasure.

"All I know is what the super[intendent] told me. The bricklayers found it by the front doors underneath the stone that marks the name of the building and they lifted it up and found the time capsule."

Gwizd said the workers found the capsule as well as "a rule book from 1931, a newspaper and I think something else."

"Lowblaws came down and took [the capsule] right away," said Gwizd "Nobody really got to see it."

In an email statement to CBC News Loblaws confirmed it had taken possession of the capsule but wouldn't say much more.

"Thanks for your enquiry. We have found articles during construction, but they are currently being assessed and validated. We will be in touch once we have more information. Thanks for your interest," the company said.

Phil Pritchard, curator at the Hockey Hall of Fame, had no idea the time capsule existed but he's excited to think about what might be inside.

"When I heard about it this morning it was pretty amazing," he told CBC News. "I want to be in line. If there are hockey pieces we'd love to have them here."

Gwizd says he'd like to see the time capsule passed along to the Hall of Fame too, "because it's hockey history, right? Everybody should see it."
Whenever I drywall or lay down a patio, there is a temptation to put something in that might intrigue a future demolitioner. I'd guess here an unofficial time capsule....
If we dont find out specifics on what was in the time capsule, im guna have to assume that loblaws will use these artifacts as a bargaining chip with MLSE over naming rights of the facility....maybe just my imagination at work but it would make sense
If we dont find out specifics on what was in the time capsule, im guna have to assume that loblaws will use these artifacts as a bargaining chip with MLSE over naming rights of the facility....maybe just my imagination at work but it would make sense

The last thing I would want is MLSE winding up in ownership of the contents, if they are indeed hockey related. I'm sure they would end up "on display" in executive suites and trotted out for public viewing once a year. The HHOF has some great collections, but could always use more.
The last thing I would want is MLSE winding up in ownership of the contents, if they are indeed hockey related. I'm sure they would end up "on display" in executive suites and trotted out for public viewing once a year. The HHOF has some great collections, but could always use more.
Unless the contents of the capsule are a potential source of significant revenue, MLSE will have no interest in them whatever. MLSE doesn't care about history. The only thing they care about is money.
So....this is what I hear......

I'm told the date is fixed barring disaster as Nov 9th, as previously noted.

I'm also told we're not seeing the way the store actually looks from our pics (those might be LCBO ???

I'm told 100% of the shelving for grocery is in, management is hired, staff are being trained at other stores; and grocery is around 25% stocked (on shelf).

They're further behind in fresh (baked goods, fruit/veg, deli) etc.; but they still feel they can make their target date.

As always this is all subject to change.
^ I looked through the Church St. windows last night and you can now see the store taking shape towards the west side of the building. It was previously not visible from the photos I submitted.
Maple Leaf Gardens' time capsule found

Crews working on the reconstruction of Toronto's iconic Maple Leaf Gardens have found something that just might be a historical treasure — but exactly what it is remains a mystery.

Maple Leaf Gardens was built in the midst of the Depression and opened its doors on Carlton Street in 1931.

For more than 60 years the hockey team, which bears the same name as the building, played on its ice — until February of 1999 when the team moved to the Air Canada Centre.

Maple Leaf Gardens is now being reconstructed, remodelled and refurbished, to make it into a giant Loblaws grocery store, as well as an athletic centre for Toronto's Ryerson University.

But recently, when crews were removing some stone flooring near the old entrance they found something.

According to Randall Gwizd who was working on the site, it was bricklayers who discovered the treasure.

"All I know is what the super[intendent] told me. The bricklayers found it by the front doors underneath the stone that marks the name of the building and they lifted it up and found the time capsule."

Gwizd said the workers found the capsule as well as "a rule book from 1931, a newspaper and I think something else."

"Lowblaws came down and took [the capsule] right away," said Gwizd "Nobody really got to see it."

In an email statement to CBC News Loblaws confirmed it had taken possession of the capsule but wouldn't say much more.

"Thanks for your enquiry. We have found articles during construction, but they are currently being assessed and validated. We will be in touch once we have more information. Thanks for your interest," the company said.

Phil Pritchard, curator at the Hockey Hall of Fame, had no idea the time capsule existed but he's excited to think about what might be inside.

"When I heard about it this morning it was pretty amazing," he told CBC News. "I want to be in line. If there are hockey pieces we'd love to have them here."

Gwizd says he'd like to see the time capsule passed along to the Hall of Fame too, "because it's hockey history, right? Everybody should see it."

This is very exciting. I just hope we find out what was actually in there and are able to see it someday.
Getting down to the nitty gritty at MLG. This corner's going to be bustling when this place opens.

I guess that shows how good a job they did replicating the originals.
With a different type of window and without the horrid looking green bars going across the windows.

What the heck are you talking about?

October 18, 2011 -

The same corner before the the windows were changed out & before the building was cleaned, March 2010 -

