Nobody really cares, so what damage? Everyone else on here has moved on years ago and just happy the building is being reused, and that there is a place for groceries.

I'm a hardcore Leafs fan and couldn't care less about the old clock being saved. If the HHOF wanted they could've bought the clock and saved it themselves. Have any of the other clocks from the old arenas been saved? I somehow doubt it.
I prefer putting the effort to keep the building intact rather then saving some clock. Unless nevernamed prefers loosing the building like in Montreal, NY or Boston and saving the clock instead.
I'm curious as to why they haven't replaced the original 1931 cornerstone that dated the building (where they found the time capsule in behind).
I'm in love with this place. I'm here at least 3 times a week just enjoying a buffet of different salads for an afternoon snack and just taking in the great ambiance.

I found it hilarious and oh-so-Canadian how Bulk Barn has recently opened at Yonge/College but I walked in there yesterday and realized how awesome it actually is. Bought bags of classic candy for cheap. Feels like being a kid again, lolz.
EVERY REPORT?!?! nobody has given any word on this topic beside ME!!.. the only other 'report' there is comes from the mouth of the PR spin machine, you know, their job is DAMAGE control. Stop being obtuse man.. Why don't you stop, and listen. Perhaps you'll learn something. Jesus. do you believe the official 9/11 story too?

If the word of the people who witnessed it isn't enough, then there is no helping you. I'm sorry man, but jesus. I wish I had permission to post my pics. But you know everything, I'm sure the pieces of broken screen were probably 'carefully taken apart' so they could be reassembled later.. right??


You know someone has no credibility when...

What's next? Illuminating us on the fact that the Holocaust was fictitious?

So tired of these conspiracy theories. Just the other day my mom said tap water is "poisoned". Gimme a break.
Almost everything imaginable is downtown now (or coming very soon), save for a few big box stores which require hundreds of thousands of square feet of space. Such a dramatic contrast from even ten years ago let alone the 80's or 90's.
I think all we're missing now is Ikea. With thousands of new residents entering the downtown core (many from the 905) in coming years, it'll be great to have an Ikea to meet their needs. Hong Kong has proven that the urban concept stores can work.


Photo source
I thought of Ikea plus Costco, Home Depot and one other small town killer that shall remain nameless.
Ikea is the kind of place a person only goes to once a year. The big box retailer I want to see downtown is Target. I'd be in there every couple weeks
Ikea is the kind of place a person only goes to once a year. The big box retailer I want to see downtown is Target. I'd be in there every couple weeks

I agree. Last time I check, all proposed Target stores are in the suburbs, unfortunately.
Target doesn't really need too huge a space and there should be an ideal location for it. Just the idea of driving a car, or take the subway plus a bus to go to a Target is not appealing. Maybe they only want the suburban clientele?
I thought of Ikea plus Costco, Home Depot and one other small town killer that shall remain nameless.

To be honest, the town killer whose name shall not be mentioned is not so different from most other stores, such as Sears, Canadian Tire, Staples etc, in terms of where most of its products are imported from and how they are manufactured. The sheer fact of its being bigger shouldn't make it a particular target of vilification.
Maple Leaf Gardens looking fine at twilight. Hopefully the restoration of this gem initiates some more developments in this patchy part of Church Street and the eastside.

There are only two opportunities for mid-rise developments, the parking lot at Wood & Church and the land from the Alexus condo up to Maitland. Hopefully the latter doesn't happen, as we'd lose several much loved buildings and businesses there that add a lot of vibrancy and charactor to the street.
I think the parking lot at Wood & Church has been itchin' for a long time. Unless there's height restrictions in the area I'm not aware of, I think a reasonably tall building would look really good there.
