are they doing something with the dome? because its really aged/gotten dirty over the years... Maybe they'll paint some new logos on it too! Maple leafs, ryerson, loblaws, etc..

Please not Loblaws...
Ryerson MAYBE. They have to keep the Maple Leafs, maybe touch them up a bit, but keep them.
They have been on the dome since '31 and are a part of the building.
Please not Loblaws...
Ryerson MAYBE. They have to keep the Maple Leafs, maybe touch them up a bit, but keep them.
They have been on the dome since '31 and are a part of the building.

No they haven't... Wasn't the roof black for the longest time and was only painted white and had the logos added way later.... Like in the 80's?


(Found here: )
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Even though the roof was originally darker, I much prefer it in white. My favourite part of this building is the art-deco feature at the very pinnacle of the roof :)
I guess it was the Odeon. Hey, I can see my balcony in the second picture you posted. Well, my old balcony... I'm not living there now.
Definitely Hydro; you can tell by the positioning along the curve (as well as overall date of photo--Odeon came 15 or so years after Hydro)
Nevernamed, you know better.

Buttcon and security are there on behalf of Loblaws. And frankly people here need to get over the photo thing.
You especially have seen inside personally. What are you complaining about?

As for photos at Church street, at least the place is dim enough that most smaries who "steal" a shot will
get a blurry mess and not much detail of how it is. That said, the making of the new store and athletic center
shouldn't be a more fascinating image than the demo phase where there is more frame of reference to the past.

BTW folks, us guards don't especially enjoy having to advise people of the property owner's wishes.
You should be content trying to look up the dress of Britney Spears as she climbs from a car.
You're not missing a darn thing, so please move along nicely. Thanks. And when the arm is down blocking
your way, that's not just us power tripping either. Careful of the trucks.

Wait for the professional photos that will be made public after the place is open so there's not as much
crying and moping over the "shame" of someone actually turning unfit seating into a functioning
facility -- much better than the 10 or 11 years nobody cared (other than Flashpoint, Cinderella Man,
Death to Smoochy, Battle of the Blades and apparently the Pride people who left a mess).
It's a building. The ghosts are gone by the way too. Thanks.
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Wow, the security guards are chasing the photographers onto the internet now. They must be paying at least a buck over minimum wage to get that kind of vigilance.

Kind of makes me want to nip over to stand in front of a truck and snap a few pictures now
very odd first post, Jawsphobia.........
Thick jackass obviously doesn't understand this website, and the intent of people who frequent it. It's a website devoted to development, and many more things, in Toronto. There are no laws protecting the interior, as visible from the street, from being photographed. Additionally, as long as no one is trespassing, the security guards have no right to harass those taking a photo of a publicly visible area.

Get off your high horse, Jaws.
I now feel even more determined to get interior photos now, I'll try to keep my camera on me more often so I can grab some shots as I pass by.
