Why do people hate shadows again? I'd much rather have shadows than all the heat. Imagine how NYC would look right now if they cared about shadowing.
I am okay with them restricting the height of the buildings for shadow concerns at NPS. It is one of the most important squares in the city, after all. What irks me is the shadow concerns they have for every single school and park. Children won't have stunted growth if they get half an hour less of sunshine. To add to that, more than half of the days are cloudy in this city.
You cannot compare Central Park to the brutalist mess that is Nathan Phillips Square.
Personally, I like that Brutalist "mess". And I'm not sure I am the only who does.


Why do people hate shadows again? I'd much rather have shadows than all the heat. Imagine how NYC would look right now if they cared about shadowing.
a) Because half of the year we're mostly crying out for heat.

b) The problem with Manhatten's layout is that they didn't care about shadows.

c) We're not NYC, thank goodness.
Why do people hate shadows again? I'd much rather have shadows than all the heat. Imagine how NYC would look right now if they cared about shadowing.
Because we don't want to make it so only the suburbs ever get to experience the sun? Also, some of us genuinely enjoy warm weather, just because you don't doesn't mean you speak for everyone.
I am okay with them restricting the height of the buildings for shadow concerns at NPS. It is one of the most important squares in the city, after all. What irks me is the shadow concerns they have for every single school and park. Children won't have stunted growth if they get half an hour less of sunshine. To add to that, more than half of the days are cloudy in this city.
A lot of kids prefer going in the shade to so... ya shadows aren’t actually an issue for kids. It’s the adults who are likely boomers. MINE don’t touch or ruin my territory
Why do people hate shadows again? I'd much rather have shadows than all the heat. Imagine how NYC would look right now if they cared about shadowing.

NYC absolutely cares about shadowing! The first rule on this is from 1916! The design differences between the Empire State Building (step backs) and the Seagram Building (relatively thin), for example, are partially in changes in how rules around sun and shadow changed.

Here is a rather interesting New York Times article on it, which includes a full shadow map of the city of New York.

As someone who lives near NPS I am glad there are limits on increasing shadows over it. The space needs all the warmth it can get.
The hudson's bay building made for a nice backdrop to the parkette. I fear it becoming claustrophobic with the completion of this one.
The whole Bay-Adelaide complex (3 towers) just sucks the life out of you. When people (rightfully) criticize Toronto for being sterile and devoid of style/beauty it's mind numbing stuff like this they're referring to. Wish we were getting something as nice as the new Square One office proposal. This is of good quality but there's little else positive one can say.
