Try to think of Sugar Beach as the slightly superior sequel, like Godfather II or The Road Warrior.

I should add, there were a few things I noticed that didn't sit well. There were already a decent amount of cigarette butts - not acceptable.

I was also wondering if it'll become a vomit hole for some of the patrons of Guvernment across the street. :p
I was also wondering if it'll become a vomit hole for some of the patrons of Guvernment across the street. :p

Judging from my first encounter with it two Sunday wee-morning-hours ago, that may already be a primary function. (If you want an excuse, it was one of those mother-at-St-Lawrence-Antique-Market mornings.)
We had our office Christmas party in the Guv. building in 1980 ... when it was some sort of restaurant/nightclub, I think.

My goodness, if we'd only known it would take 30 long years for the land down there to begin to be developed for office workers, condo dwellers and students. The nice little park is a bonus indeed.
There were already a decent amount of cigarette butts - not acceptable.

As someone completely unfamiliar with the procedures used to maintain urban beaches, I wonder if anyone can enlighten me: are there any sort of motorized rakes/sieves that can be used to clean/filter sand, like a beach Zamboni? Or are we condemned to the not-so-gradual degradation of the quality of the sand?
As someone completely unfamiliar with the procedures used to maintain urban beaches, I wonder if anyone can enlighten me: are there any sort of motorized rakes/sieves that can be used to clean/filter sand, like a beach Zamboni? Or are we condemned to the not-so-gradual degradation of the quality of the sand?

Well why not pay a visit the HTO parks, it'd be a good way to judge :)
They actually stay pretty clean, somehow.

I know the city actually rakes the beaches at woodbine with gulf car like things - like they do down south! Not sure about these little beaches.
For what it's worth, here is a diagram of how the various projects south of Queen's Quay, between Yonge and Parliament fit together. (I know that the parks extend north of Queen's Quay, but I only included the southern portions on this map.) The plot labelled "East Bayfront Developments" apparently includes a major cultural component of some sort.

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I should add, there were a few things I noticed that didn't sit well. There were already a decent amount of cigarette butts - not acceptable.

I was also wondering if it'll become a vomit hole for some of the patrons of Guvernment across the street. :p

I also noticed that. I sat in a chair near the water feature and I counted 9 cigarette butts just around my chair and that was a week ago, when it just opened. I hope someone maintains that sand because it can get dirty real fast. Why the hell would people throw butts in nice clean sand, on a brand new beach? Some people in this city are real pigs. How long will it be until the nice walkways are covered with black gobs of gum? Yonge Street is the worst. I've never noticed that in other cities. Does NYC or Montreal have that problem too? (or is it mainly a Toronto thing?)
I was down there the other day when it was very windy. A lot of sand was blowing away into the lake... i guess sand can be fairly easily replaced though if the sand levels deplete over time.
I also noticed that. I sat in a chair near the water feature and I counted 9 cigarette butts just around my chair and that was a week ago, when it just opened. I hope someone maintains that sand because it can get dirty real fast. Why the hell would people throw butts in nice clean sand, on a brand new beach? Some people in this city are real pigs. How long will it be until the nice walkways are covered with black gobs of gum? Yonge Street is the worst. I've never noticed that in other cities. Does NYC or Montreal have that problem too? (or is it mainly a Toronto thing?)

I remember when i was younger in Brooklyn growing up, there was one sidewalk near my house in Sheepshead bay that was completely black from people dropping gum on it....literally completely gum blackened...nasty huh?
Sometimes I wish in law enforcement we were a little more strict in enforcement... especially littering including gum and cigarettes. How many people get charged a year for littering? It is unfortunate that the only way do end this is to completely blanket the city with surveillance cameras and go nuts charging people. Japan doesn't have this problem and they are not repressive as far as law enforcement goes.

Some errors - 1. The Pier 27/Waterlink does not extend all the way to eastern edge of the Yonge slip; 2. Corus is just the building within the site you've bounded - the space north of it isn't part of the project.


Different cultures - norms and the failure to follow them leads to much more severe social chastization than you would experience in North America. And beyond that - how many using the park that day have 1. observed garbage and 2. actually helped in removing them? I have a feeling most aren't proactive about it and leave the task of maintaining public spaces to others even though they might complain about it.

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