Senior Member
That's true, I forgot that George Brown Collage will also have restaurants and coffee shops for the general public. The more choices, the better. Over-all, I do like the park and all the water features. The north part is going to be pretty interesting with those unique waterfalls sculptures.
I got to say ... you're being really pick - which is fine but after having a look - this, along with sugar beach, is such a massive improvement over most if not all city produced (and privately for that matter) projects throughout the entire city ... it's not even complete yet (the southern part) and I'd still attest to this in the current state.
To be fair I'm not comparing this to say high park or Edwards gardens (probably our two premier 'real' natural park) as this to me qualifies as a square to a certain degree so it's not as natural - which in my opinion is a lot harder to get right as it's not simply dominates by grass and flowers.
What really does it for me is the paving, unlike HTO where the paving in the majority of the park is concrete slabs (like a sidewalk) the interlocked brink throughout (there is for the most part no concrete to be seen less where it actually belongs).
On top of that, and this is really what shocked me - are the small details - which are usually done wrong completely - typically there's little to no attention to small details (HTO a perfect example of this) that complete opposite is true here.
I know to many coming from other cities where this is done right (at least more often) this may seem a little bit overboard on my part but for Toronto - this is amazing and I'm going to give credit where it's due.
I'd really say both these squares can rival many other similar parks in any city throughout the world - less 'signature' multi-million dollar parks (millennium park in Chicago for one).
If I were to make one suggestion (other then a few good ideas already throw out) it would be to use a lot more planting / flowers throughout - that's all that's missing in my opinion - but this makes it low maintenance and there are advantages to this as well so some part of me, the part that doesn't think we can do any of this right, is somewhat glad there are no flowers to mess up / let die.
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