think atwood's themes are interesting, if obvious, but she's not particularly good at the sentence leve. pretty overrated.

still, i'd like to see doug ford compose anything more complicated than an NFL fantasy football team on a napkin
I mentioned this in another thread but a friend told me today that Doug knew who Atwood was all along but was being cheeky and having some fun and things went to crazy fast.
I have a friend who is even closer personally to Doug who said that he didn't actually know who Atwood was at all and then lied about it after someone explained it to him.

Double-stamped it.
I mentioned this in another thread but a friend told me today that Doug knew who Atwood was all along but was being cheeky and having some fun and things went to crazy fast.

Until your friend answers the 'hard questions' in a TV interview, I refuse to believe this hearsay.
Until your friend answers the 'hard questions' in a TV interview, I refuse to believe this hearsay.

I said in my original post that "apparently" Doug was playing with his answer.

And then the haters went nuts and called for his head. Interesting that the haters here can say whatever they want about others whose views they don't like and it's justified and usually involves vilifying the other person. Funny that, eh? If Miller had expressed the same not knowing or being cheeky, you guys would have let it pass. The same outage wouldn't have surfaced.

What's interesting is that people are saying the statement from my friend is hearsay, which I agree but the same type of statement from the driver accusing Ford of giving her the finger was automatically taken as fact by people here and elsewhere because they just don't like Ford. No biased here, right?

But it's obviously my imagination that a double standard exists here with regards to others are treated that go against the tide.
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I said in my original post that "apparently" Doug was playing with his answer.

And then the haters went nuts and called for his head. Interesting that the haters here can say whatever they want about others whose views they don't like and it's justified and usually involves vilifying the other person. Funny that, eh? If Miller had expressed the same not knowing or being cheeky, you guys would have let it pass. The same outage wouldn't have surfaced.

What's interesting is that people are saying the statement from my friend is hearsay, which I agree but the same type of statement from the driver accusing Ford of giving her the finger was automatically taken as fact by people here and elsewhere because they just don't like Ford. No biased here, right?

But it's obviously my imagination that a double standard exists here with regards to others are treated that go against the tide.

I think if Miller did the exact same thing the Fords are doing now, we'd be attacking him even worse. It's the hypocrisy, lack of integrity and the double standards that people hate. I don't think anybody gave Miller a free pass. You just only see what you want to see because your political ideology is clouding your vision. You seem to have lost all perspective.

Keep up the good fight wounded soldier.
May I suggest we keep the Ford discussion in the Ford thread (if for no other reason than to make it easier to respond to the arguments)?
You may suggest that Tulse. All further Ford comments in this thread will be nuked.

I was at Sherbourne Common yesterday. Despite the no wading signs, EVERYONE was basically dipping their feet in the "stream" (including myself, it was totally refreshing). I even saw a photoshoot going on using the stream and the pavilion, looked really professional. :D
I finally got to Sherbourne Common over the weekend to see it in person. While the pictures have been awesome, the real deal was even more impressive.
Overall I agree w the positive comments related to the design of this park, having said that I noticed some algea growing on one of water feature screens. May be a maintenance liability...
