Overall I agree w the positive comments related to the design of this park, having said that I noticed some algea growing on one of water feature screens. May be a maintenance liability...

Waterfront Toronto have just (July) awarded the contract for maintenance to SNC Lavalin so maybe they have not yet started!
CONTRACTS AWARDED JULY 2011. "Operation and Maintenance of Sherbourne Common Pumping Station and UV Disinfection Facility in East Bayfront – SNC-Lavalin Operations and Maintenance Ltd."
Aug 27





Beautiful shots, drum. I guess we should be thankful that some of the WT jewels came to fruition while Miller was still in office. Such an unbelievable shame he couldn't stand to do one more term
Beautiful shots, drum. I guess we should be thankful that some of the WT jewels came to fruition while Miller was still in office. Such an unbelievable shame he couldn't stand to do one more term

And if Ford's (I can barely write the name without cringing) swipe at Waterfront Toronto and the Portlands becomes a serious threat, those pork bastards will have to be stopped.
Again remember the west / east bayfront - and donlands area are staying with waterfront toronto ... if anything that lets them focus on that area even more ...

The portlands is the very last thing to be developed and there are no plans until the 20/30 year mark - I wouldn't be too worried.

The near term future is the East BayFront and West Donlands area !
Again remember the west / east bayfront - and donlands area are staying with waterfront toronto ... if anything that lets them focus on that area even more ...
The portlands is the very last thing to be developed and there are no plans until the 20/30 year mark - I wouldn't be too worried.
The near term future is the East BayFront and West Donlands area !

It is true that the Portlands is the last area to be developed under WT's current plans but I disagree that we should not worry and just let the Fords move ahead. I really don't want to go to the future Portlands mall and its huge parking lot through the beautiful areas that WT has been working on - West Don lands and East Bayfront - that would only draw further attention to 'what might have been'. To see them sandwiched between the existing and quite ugly, central waterfront and the potentially ugly Portlands is not a great idea.

That said, I have no problem if the City can encourage developers to start work on the Portlands sooner than WT had hoped as long as they follow the existing plans or if whatever changes they propose meet WT's high standards and undergo the same great public consultation. The main reason why WT has the Portlands at the bottom of their 'to do' list is because there is a huge flood-protection need and the soil is mostly very contaminated. Dealing with both these will take lots of $$$ and time.
It is true that the Portlands is the last area to be developed under WT's current plans but I disagree that we should not worry and just let the Fords move ahead. I really don't want to go to the future Portlands mall and its huge parking lot through the beautiful areas that WT has been working on - West Don lands and East Bayfront - that would only draw further attention to 'what might have been'. To see them sandwiched between the existing and quite ugly, central waterfront and the potentially ugly Portlands is not a great idea.

That said, I have no problem if the City can encourage developers to start work on the Portlands sooner than WT had hoped as long as they follow the existing plans or if whatever changes they propose meet WT's high standards and undergo the same great public consultation. The main reason why WT has the Portlands at the bottom of their 'to do' list is because there is a huge flood-protection need and the soil is mostly very contaminated. Dealing with both these will take lots of $$$ and time.

Actually, the thing about contaminated soil. If WT cleans up all the soil at portlands. Are they going to keep the soil or dispose of it when the builders come and dig up all that soil? If the soil isn't kept, it's a waste of money to clean isn't it? The areas not being dug up would have to be cleaned but the areas being dug up are cleaned as well?
but what do you do with the contaminated soil?! dump it in old gravel pits in uxbridge, then contaminate their soil and water source? no, the soil has to go somewhere, and must be cleaned.
yeah i was thinking about that.... i think the contaminated soil somehow gets filtered through water making the soil good again but the water becomes contaminated(not in lake)....then i have no idea what they do with this water...
yeah i was thinking about that.... i think the contaminated soil somehow gets filtered through water making the soil good again but the water becomes contaminated(not in lake)....then i have no idea what they do with this water...

I believe the soil treatment that is going on right now on site at the Portlands uses a slow process of aeration and microorganisms which over time will detoxify the soil. I don't know if this process works for all toxins such as PCB's, but I think it is standard for oil contamination. Containment and stabilization (preventing leaching) while applying these techniques is probably least obtrusive way to deal with contaminated sites where the soil does not need to be removed.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the ford "vision" is only for the southernmost part of the portlands - south of the lower donlands. Waterfront had no plans for that area except their pilot soil testing facility. So what are we losing? We still get west donlands, lower donlands, east bayfront, central waterfront, etc.
I was thinking about this...... And in a way i am o.k. If ford incorparated some of his ideas into the limited amount of space..... i wouldnt mind because some of the portlands ideas seem a bit more residential than anything..... But then again we dont know the extent to waterfrontTO's plan for this area so.... Cant stress how much i love parks in cities though.... They really turn me on
Correct me if I'm wrong but the ford "vision" is only for the southernmost part of the portlands - south of the lower donlands. Waterfront had no plans for that area except their pilot soil testing facility. So what are we losing? We still get west donlands, lower donlands, east bayfront, central waterfront, etc.

If only. Ford's megamall is plunked right on top of the current plans.

From the Globe:

Don Peat: "Happy with the Port Lands status quo?"
Rob Ford: "No, not at all. We have a lot of park land in this city, we have to create jobs."
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Not sure if it has been written about on here...but if my memory serves me correctly, weren't there supposed to be multi-striped, round candy-like benches or something at Sugar Beach?
