Personally I like it very much. Architecture, especially contemporary, is a matter of personal taste. Not everyone likes it, which is fine by me. I have noticed that there are some real critical people on this website that dont express much detail in the opinions at all. They just give a word or two rejection without any more insightful views. Everyone is of course entitled to their opinion. Whatever, I like it, and there are a lot of other people that do as well. The location is great, and it appeals to a certain clientelle that Freed knows will like it too, and he's right.

I second that! I have purchased an unit in the Bathurst building, beside the further delay of this project, I personally like it very much and is up to my expectation so far pending to final completions. I fully respect different voices and opinions, however, I found that there are few people on this forum super hate Freed and/or Freed's projects regardless.
I think the building is interesting though I haven't seen it in person yet. The details that immediately caught my eye in every photo are the hideous wires and utility poles that surround the building. The contrast couldn't be any more pronounced. What a mess.
I think as just concrete and glass (see renderings) it would have looked far better. I don't think that black brick really works on this design. But it's not bad :)
Initially I loved this building (based on the renderings), but like many I am struggling with something. It doesn't have as much polish as I thought it would - it is just missing something.... Maybe a bit more contrast in the balcony glass would have helped kick it up a notch? From what I can see the balcony glass washes away into the windows and just gets lost. The white accents are bold and maybe they should have played with that a bit in other places.

All in all, it is a great addition to the area.
Not sure, it just looks like something that was chopped down.

The Bathurst building is the tallest of the new buildings running on the east side of that street. If it looks "chopped" it's because of the design and not anything that was done to it. Freed pretty much got what what he intended to build at this location.
Being a resident of the King Building who purchased back in 2007, I'd have to use the word "disappointed" considering the rendition originally presented: a whiter/brighter building with green accents. If I had to purchase in it's current state I probably would shop around first. Freed's 77 Portland project is a good example of my expectations, but King & Bathurst buildings lack the warmth and glow. I guess it's best to wait for the finished project, but I would say in it's current state it's an odd shadow and doesn't fit well in a red brick neighbourhood.
Yeah, that's exactly what I expected from the renderings and models, but it turned out really dull and now it's just kind of a grey lump there obstructing the sightlines for those nice brick buildings. It would be very "sensible shoes" if Fashion House were to turn out this way...

I hope the interior finishes are good. I was very unimpressed with Fashion District's interior (10 Morrison/455 Adelaide).
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Regarding 10 Morrison, there are a number of really nice suites in that building, but the finishes are bare bones.
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Then I'll file my remarks under "hearsay" and inadmissible in court.

For the record, I have owned in a Freed building (don't anymore). I don't know what his aims are today, but he certainly did start out with very good intentions.
29 June 2012:



^I think the building looks a lot better from that close-up angle than it does from further south on Bathurst where it looks like a tumorous mess.
Interesting pictures. Basically a cramped unit with a terrible view, poor layout, and a paltry kitchen with barely enough cabinets for one person's dish- and kitchenware. I'd walk in and walk out.
