I actually like this project and can't wait to see how it turns out .... not a fan of the gimmicky south beach theme though.

But sadly, this is a kinda project that will only fly in Toronto .... having spent time in NYC, i can say that a project like this will get laughed at so hard in New york that it'll never see the light of day.

I am assuming you mean the marketing would not fly in nyc? Since there are plenty of buildings like this (as well as both worse quality design and higher quality design in NYC) I have also seen some pretty corny marketing in nyc.
i got my delay notice in the mail. it says im not moving in until september and thats for lower floors only
anyone on a high floor its looking more like 2012
Aww sucks !! I didn't get my delay letter yet..but I guess it's coming.. Let's hope it is September and not even later ....
This is quite a suprise --- they kept reassuring they are ahead of schedule and that Occupancy would commence end of May beg of June...

I don't know what could of possibly happened in the last 2 months to delay the project for another 3 months...
In the development industry, a delay of 3 months is really nothing ... Wouldn't be suprised if there is another 'minor' delay of a month or two ~

Considering the building just topped off in late December 2010 and the skin of the building was not even completed in I-42's photos below from early January 2011, occupancy in May 2011 was really unrealistic

January 6, 2011


What I have just heard is ,that to the benefit of the purchasers the developers have widened the distance between Phase I and Phase II in order to give a less obstructed view. This will set the occupancy back by 2-3 months. I guess this has just been changed in their original plans...
Through my bank (mortgage pre-approval), I got notice that Phase II is delayed into Oct 2012 from April. I guess that is still too preliminary to be final, either.
Well, looks like we got the Uptown roof treatment we were hoping for. Wrong project but we got it.
what is this uptown roof you speak of? Also the fins from the roof don't seem like they're going to run down the length of the building as they were advertised to. That's kind of disappointing.
good catch Uniqunik ... no wonder South Beach (as built) somehow looks a little different than I thought ... those 'fins' were suppose to extend along down on the entire facade, whereas its just glass now ~



