I've gotten up those stairs lots of times with no problem. There's another access point to the middle level from the retail unit and the retail hallway, and I believe that you can also get up there from the other side, just up a flight of stairs when you come across the bridge. I assume it'll get even easier to get up there when they finish the office tower and the Delta, because then there will be even more access points. It's actually really nicely landscaped, too

When was the last time you did so?

It used to be open to the public, but a month ago or so they actually closed it off and made it employees only as far as I could tell.
Sept 16:

Yeah, once it's above ground it just seems to go. Always strikes me that once the pit is dug getting to ground level takes forever, then it's fast. I think this one will be good...
Looking forward to seeing some glass to get a sense of what the finihsed product will look like.
Thanks for the amazing pics, can't believe just how fast this group of towers is progressing, can't wait to see the finished product! As a side note.....I've lived here all my life (born in Women's Collage Hospital in 1968), I remember when I was a kid, the "south core" was no more then polluted railway lands and run down or abandoned buildings, hell, I still remember when we drove along the Gardiner, past the smelting plant on Cherry and Lakeshore, you had to hold your breath from the stench. I still find it completely amazing at just how fast, in such a short period of time, the downtown core has changed for the better. Over all, as a skyscraper freak, I couldn't be happier with our constant growth, well, I could be much happier if ever we finally get a supertall!
