I think I counted 24 floors. I guess it's reached the half way point considering there's a large mechanical on top.
Did any of you notice the two cranes touching in my first photo? They were indeed making contact. It seemed a little odd to me. Is that even safe?
They are really getting the office towers right in this area, each new one looks as good or better than the last.
Did any of you notice the two cranes touching in my first photo? They were indeed making contact. It seemed a little odd to me. Is that even safe?

You can see the reflection on the PWC building and there is no contact. The Delta crane is much higher so I think it's just an optical illusion, a matter of perspective.
Love the glass on this one. Looks very high quality. This whole project will really add to the entire area once it's done.
The Bremner glass is the same as PwC's glass.

The Bremner glass is the same as PwC's glass.


Speaking of which:





I just want to say thank you to AlvinofDiaspar for posting all of these city reports!
I collect them like others collect baseball cards....
