Tracks installed already! I didn't think they'd be going in so soon. Maybe the TTC is trying to get the construction back on the original schedule and the extension will open in 2015 after all...
Too bad filters couldn't be added to the vents and portals to keep the tunnels clean.

The TTC has a tunnel washer.

(Pics courtesy of Transit Toronto)


The TTC also released a Expression of interest for a tunnel cleaning vacuum car.
Tracks installed already! I didn't think they'd be going in so soon. Maybe the TTC is trying to get the construction back on the original schedule and the extension will open in 2015 after all...

Likewise tracks are installed on much of the new Cherry Street streetcar branch - but that's going to sit idle for two more years!
But the there's probably not going to be much work happening on that either as it's being built for the Pan Am games I think so there's no reason to rush.
The Board has now approved all of the official station names for the project. We are currently updating the website with the official names for our stations. Our website banner now shows the official names. However, many of the references on the website, including old construction news and notices, will retain the “working” names for the stations while other references will be changed.
Also, Yorkie already crossed Hwy 407 according to their construction activity map.
Saw this lovely quote from John Sewell while talking about the Scarborough Subway(emphasis mine).
Give Scarborough residents better bus service instead, he says. It’s cheap, easy and effective. He draws a comparison between the current Sheppard subway proposal and the Downsview subway to York University — yet another mistake, he says, because who needs a subway when a bus from Finch station to the North Toronto university takes “12 minutes,†and offers “stunning service.â€
Haha no.
I'd much rather that Sewell just crawled back under the rock he originally came from.

Toronto, Ont.
^^Even more depressing when the media doesn't do they due diligence and corrects the mistake.

I don't really get Sewell. He was pretty damn vocal against St. Clair too for a variety of inconsistent and non-fact-based reasons.
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I don't think there's anyone I generally support who hasn't let me down in some way during this recent transit "debate."

The fact that he thought the buses run from Finch could just be a slip of the tongue. The fact that he doesn't know they run constantly and packed is more galling. Just another downtowner who has no clue what's going on outside the old city. (Of course, Rob Ford isn't a downtowner but then his inability to grasp even the broadest nuances of transit -- right down to the routing of the line to which he is vehemently opposed -- stem from a whole different set of intellectual deficits).

IF you want to attack the Spadina extension as being the "same mistake" as Scarborough I suppose you could point out it was also suburban vote buying. That's a fair enough argument (even if I don't 100% agree) but it doesn't change the fact there was no regional transit plan in place when the extension was funded. My problem with Scarborough isn't LRT vs. subway (because even if I prefer LRT, you could at least ARGUE for a subway) but how the process has entirely subverted the principles of having Metrolinx and The Big Move.

New transit planning, same as the old transit planing.
I don't think there's anyone I generally support who hasn't let me down in some way during this recent transit "debate."

The fact that he thought the buses run from Finch could just be a slip of the tongue. The fact that he doesn't know they run constantly and packed is more galling. Just another downtowner who has no clue what's going on outside the old city. (Of course, Rob Ford isn't a downtowner but then his inability to grasp even the broadest nuances of transit -- right down to the routing of the line to which he is vehemently opposed -- stem from a whole different set of intellectual deficits).

IF you want to attack the Spadina extension as being the "same mistake" as Scarborough I suppose you could point out it was also suburban vote buying. That's a fair enough argument (even if I don't 100% agree) but it doesn't change the fact there was no regional transit plan in place when the extension was funded. My problem with Scarborough isn't LRT vs. subway (because even if I prefer LRT, you could at least ARGUE for a subway) but how the process has entirely subverted the principles of having Metrolinx and The Big Move.

New transit planning, same as the old transit planing.

The City, the Province, and the Feds all went against Metrolinx on this one. Metrolinx seems to be an organization with no spine that just seems to go with whatever changes are made based on the flavour of the day. Again, if the Liberals weren't trying to save another seat in Scarborough, would we even of had this re-opening of this debate? It was closed until Glen Murray and Mitze Hunter (the subway champion) brought the topic up again. Following that, the ball was in motion and city council (not Ford) changed its mind, the Liberals changed their plan, and the Feds jumped in; the whole time Metrolinx did nothing and showed that it really has no say in anything. The only person with a consistent stance on the issue the whole time would happen to be the biggest idiot of all in Rob Ford. At the end of the day, the subway will go up to Sheppard which will be a good thing as it will close the loop with the now funded Sheppard LRT. Also, being up McCowan is a much better idea than up the SRT rail corridor which will be as useful in creating intensification or street life as Glencairn station has for Allen Rd. Great cities around the world are building both LRT and Subways, only in Toronto has it been politicized as a left or right issue where we can only have one or the other and not both; Let's build both.
