These are solutions looking for a problem - the same as changing these lines to 1,2 ,3 etc. When people in here talk and use these terms I have no idea which line they are talking about and kind of tune out on what the post is about

So you're okay with stations having names that have zero geographic relevance

If every station were named like the University Line stations, our system map would basically be this:


Well I suppose this naming is fine. I'd remember some of their positions eventually.
These are solutions looking for a problem - the same as changing these lines to 1,2 ,3 etc. When people in here talk and use these terms I have no idea which line they are talking about and kind of tune out on what the post is about

If you can't remember 4 numbes, then you must have a really hard time remembering which bus to take during your commute.
If you can't remember 4 numbes, then you must have a really hard time remembering which bus to take during your commute.
Given all the signage these days and how frequently there's an announcement about Line 1 and Line 2, I'd think such a comment mostly demonstrates that one doesn't use the subway very often ...
If you can't remember 4 numbes, then you must have a really hard time remembering which bus to take during your commute.

There is nothing wrong with Bloor/Danforth and Yonge. I suppose I have to mention the Sheppard subway. Three lines only and they are reflective of the streets they run on. Same cannot be said of Spadina. The TTC has real issues and renaming lines is not one of these
I don't care for the use of a main street for a station name, and especially when East, West, North, South is added to the end of it. It's too boring and unoriginal. But I also don't like Pioneer Village. I like obscure choices, with some heritage added. I think Castle Frank is my favourite for that. But then there's Bessarion. Who or what is Bessarion? Nobody knows, and nobody will ever know. But it works.

These are solutions looking for a problem - the same as changing these lines to 1,2 ,3 etc. When people in here talk and use these terms I have no idea which line they are talking about and kind of tune out on what the post is about

This is a problem with the 500-series streetcar numbering. Three digits, seemingly meaningless order of's gotta go.
Given all the signage these days and how frequently there's an announcement about Line 1 and Line 2, I'd think such a comment mostly demonstrates that one doesn't use the subway very often ...

There was no reason to change the names. I have been taking the subway since my first job at 15, went to school downtown, doctor and dentist all downtown. No need to changes the names to numbers.
There was no reason to change the names. I have been taking the subway since my first job at 15, went to school downtown, doctor and dentist all downtown. No need to changes the names to numbers.

Last time I checked, the names still exist and are still being used.
There is nothing wrong with Bloor/Danforth and Yonge.
Coloured numbers work much better in wayfinding than names like Bloor-Danforth and Yonge-Spadina.

Three lines only ...
Four lines currently and three more under construction or approved and soon to be tendered.

There was no reason to change the names. I have been taking the subway since my first job at 15, went to school downtown, doctor and dentist all downtown. No need to changes the names to numbers.
I'm not aware of any plans to change the names, other than shortening Yonge-University-Spadina to Yonge-University.

Clearly your not using the subway more than a handful of times now a week, given your unfamiliarity with the numbers, that you see everywhere. But if you still used the subway regularly you'd have seen all the new signage that says "Yonge-University" and "Bloor-Danforth"!
Just append "west" onto the street names.

Perhaps Museum could be renamed Queens Park and Queens Park to College West. But I'm okay with leaving Museum as it is, as I feel that Torontonians tend to have a good idea of where exactly the ROM is.

So: Union -> King West -> Queen West -> Dundas West -> College West -> Museum (Queen's Park?) -> St. George

This scheme will result in a name collision with Dundas West Station on Line 2. But this should't be an issue, as they exist on different lines (the official rapid transit map, with Lines 1 through 7 has numerous name collisions).

Listen dude, this is Toronto. The major streets extend the entire length of the city. Naming all the subway stations after streets is just not going to work. Not to mention it makes announcements (which are already difficult to hear) harder to understand and it can actually make navigation more difficult for people unfamiliar with the city. Unique station names are the way to go, although longwinded ones like Vaughan Metropolitan Centre are moronic in their own way.
There was no reason to change the names. I have been taking the subway since my first job at 15, went to school downtown, doctor and dentist all downtown. No need to changes the names to numbers.

The reason is to improve wayfinding for people who can't read english well or at all. It's also much faster to read on signage and takes up a fraction of the space. You and others obviously have an attachment to the old names but to anyone new to the city they are clumsy and mostly unhelpful.
There was a plan at one point to rename Osgoode to Osgoode-Opera. I wonder why nothing came of that.

St Andrew and St Patrick would have to be renamed for fairly permanent landmarks.

I see you are right about the renaming, I thought that they were just renovating the station along that theme. The TTC has a dormant "University Line Renaissance" project in its deferred capital budget that would have given the Museum station treatment to the other stations on university. Osgoode would have been Opera themed, St. Patrick "Art Gallery" themed. I'm not sure if St. Patrick would have had "Art Gallery" added to its name too.
You know what's even better? Line 1. The thing only runs under university for maybe 10 blocks.
Every TTC route has both a name, and a number.

There was a plan at one point to rename Osgoode to Osgoode-Opera. I wonder why nothing came of that.
Nothing became of it, because there was never a plan.

A decade ago, a private foundation made a suggestion to rename it. But I don't believe that either the city or TTC ever discussed renaming, let alone had a plan! Spacing discussed the plan as a whole back then
Every TTC route has both a name, and a number.

And I think it will remain that way until (if!!) the public/users of the system ever get to the point where they are simply using the numbers and if we ever get there the debate over what is better is moot. Having both makes sense.....and, as you point out, that is what we have.
