Senior Member
It's already been discussed here how that site's numbers are outdated... Sheppard will be over $60 million per KM, Eglinton will be $140 per KM (with only a third of the line tunneled, the rest stopping at red lights). Transit City was originally estimated at $30 mil a KM, and that was supposed to be a high estimate... as one transit advocate put it when the plan was announced (when asked why the estimated costs for TC weren't lower):
"LRT advocates have been waiting a very long time for something like this to come out. If the proposal looked wonderful and cheap (say $1-billion rather than $2.4-billion over ten years) and we then discovered we had seriously underestimated, that would be the last chance for credibility any LRT plan would have. I would far rather be surprised to discover that the network actually came in at a lower cost, and we had money left over to build more lines."
The more the costs of the tram network go up, the worse the claims about LRT vs subway get.... Eglinton was a good example where once they figured out LRT was going to cost a lot more than they estimated, they raised the estimate of a subway to $10 billion
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