I don't see how splitting up the lines would really improve things... the changeovers at the terminals are the limiting factors on headways right now so creating more of them seems counter productive...
Vaughan actually held a contest for the new name of their downtown. I wonder what some of the other entries were.
^^ I'm actually amazed at York University Station. It's only a tiny bit excessive, but I think I could live with that.

But from that document, Sheppard West looks like it'll be massively overbuilt. I'm glad that they'll be trying to integrate the Go Train into the subway, but there is such a thing as too much.
Here is the info on the cost of the Sheppard West Station

Cost and Schedule

The budget for construction of Sheppard West Station is $59.2 million. The estimated
final cost of construction costs for Sheppard West Station, including costs recoverable
from GO Transit is $102 million.

The main impacts to the original estimate and current budget are:
Escalation of construction cost during the period 2006-2008 higher than budgeted:
• High water table;
• Toronto Green Standard;
• GO Transit integration.

To mitigate the cost, savings are identified by reducing the curvature of the alignment
west of the station toward Finch West Station; tunneling instead of cut-and-cover
construction east of the station towards Downsview tailtrack; and the deletion of an
Emergency Exit Building (EEB) for an estimated saving of $12 million.

In addition, a request was made to GO Transit for funding, which remains to
be finalized.

As design progresses, additional value engineering studies will be undertaken to reduce
station costs. If the project remains over budget as design develops, additional funds will
be provided from budget contingencies.

The proposed project schedule reflects completion of preliminary design to 30% in
September 2009, with completion of design development to 100% in May 2010.

Sheppard West Station is scheduled for Substantial Completion in May 2014.

Looks like York U is somewhat more expensive (although I assume it will have much higher ridership?)

Cost and Schedule

The budget for construction of York University Station is $86 million. The current estimate
of construction costs for York University Station is $115 million.

The main impacts to the original estimate and current budget are:
• Escalation of construction costs during the period 2006-2008 higher than budgeted;
• High water table;
• Toronto Green Standard.

As design progresses, additional value engineering studies will be undertaken to mitigate
station costs. TYSSE and the station design consultant are currently working with York
University stakeholders to progress a mutually acceptable design that maximizes cost
savings and also maintains the basic integrity of the station design. If the project remains
over budget as design develops, additional funds will be provided from budget

The proposed project schedule reflects completion of preliminary design to 30% by
December 2009, with completion of design development to 100% in July 2010.
Substantial Completion is scheduled in November 2014.
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Thanks for the link to the plans for the Sheppard West Station. The link didn't include the plans for the bus platforms or even which routes are going to use this station. I imagine that this Subway Station will make the TTC reroute a lot of buses in this area of Toronto.

I read in the Toronto Star last year an article about TTC's subway stations. The article was about the head of London's Piccadily Line who came to Toronto to inspect our system. He was really amazed at the design of our bus/subway stations where the buses enter right into the station allowing barrier-free and all door loading of the buses.

I was born and raised in Montreal, lived most of my life in Vancouver- where I fell in love with transit- and now live in Toronto for the last 5 years. I too am amazed at the design of our bus/subway stations, a lot of them really make it relatively comfortable to make a transfer from bus-subway or vise-versa. I live near Warden Station- it is a not so well designed, but, my wife and I used to live near Victoria Park Station. VP station used to be poorly designed with seperate bus platforms but they are in the middle of redesigning it so that all the buses share a common platform with their own docking space, like Kennedy or STC or countless other well designed stations.

I hope that Sheppard West is designed with these common type bus platforms. It will make commuting a little more comfortable and might convince a few people who are fence sitters to finally get on the TTC. I have lived in a few cities with good transit systems and visited quite a few others and I really like the way the TTC designs most of its stations.
Thanks for the link to the plans for the Sheppard West Station. The link didn't include the plans for the bus platforms or even which routes are going to use this station. I imagine that this Subway Station will make the TTC reroute a lot of buses in this area of Toronto.
As there are no bus plans, or place left for them; yet GO platforms are clearly shown, presumably the intention is that there will be no bus service directly from this station, and all services will continue to Downsview. which is only another couple of minutes down the road; terminating the buses at Sheppard West would inconvenience those that are connecting to other buses at Downsview.

Though it does seem unfortunate that GO passengers won't be able to connect to bus services, without hiking down Sheppard, or taking the subway; also unfortunate that there doesn't seem to be a staircase from where the GO platform is sitting on the north side of Sheppard to Sheppard itself.

And I'm surprised that they are still relying on a single elevator in stations; surely they should be moving to a dual elevator to provide the necessary redundancy.

The York station concerns me a bit as well. Despite being all the way under the road interesection, the passengers all have to exit to the west. Seems to me there should be an entrance to the east as well, so those that are going in that direction don't have to walk a long way past the station, and then double-back.
Have to say I like where these are going.

I particularly like how the York U. station breaks from the paint-by-numbers three-level layout (entry level above concourse level above platform level) in favour of something a little more adventurous. That said, it's a little surprising to see no underground connections to various campus buildings--I was under the impression that was part of the plan. Perhaps our British friends at Foster and Partners require reminding what it will feel like in February when the wind gusts across the common? ;) It seems particularly odd to whinge about how the station faces the challenges of being "constrained" between existing facilities without in turn pointing out the opportunities to integrate cleanly with them.

In Sheppard West we thankfully have evidence that we're getting our first designed-from-scratch intermodal station and, miracle of miracles, we may well dodge the typical shortsighted screwups that seem to have been par for the TTC course in the past. Interesting how the artist's depictions show it in an idyllic parkland setting when, by design, the greenspace to its north is not expected to last too long. On the section diagram, the artists seem to have dropped in the fascia of some sexy-Euro EMU as the placeholder graphic for GO Trains, which merits at least a grin.

This might be as good as place as any to air how much I loathe the name "Sheppard West." Downsview has just as much right to the Sheppard West title as it has, if not moreso because it actually aligns with the E-W main survey line of the street, and abuts it perpendicularly rather than being aligned parallel and set back 30 m south. There'll also be potential confusion arising from how the Sheppard line won't be available from this Sheppard station. Finally, it irks me to have consecutive "X West" stations--yeah, I know St Clair West and Eglinton West are already on the map, but it seems like something to avoid in future, if only to reduce the possibility of confusion. One assumes that related to TOD at that end of Downsview Park there'll be another E-W roadway going in ~30 m south of the station---maybe the station could get its name instead?
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When I first moved here to TO a few years ago the transit maps said their was a bus route in the North West that didn't connect to the subway. I have a newer version of the TTC map and it doesn't mentions the route # and I can't remember the route # but I wonder if it is still running and still doesn't connect to the Subway/RT routes somewhere. Now that the subway is being extended will this orphan route now connect to one of the new stations on this extension?
I am really liking the designs themselves. It's about time we get stations that are more interesting to look at. I'm curious how the interiors will look too.
I am really liking the designs themselves. It's about time we get stations that are more interesting to look at. I'm curious how the interiors will look too.

I am still not sure about all that swoopy glass structure above ground at York, but I don't understand the proposed size/bulk of it yet. I am definitely prepared to wait and see. My one reservation is that if you stand outside Vari Hall on a blue skies day and look across the fountain and the reflecting pool along the long axis to the Canadian flag at the other end of the commons, it is an exquisite view. It would be a real shame to have the one nice view on campus obscured - but maybe it won't be....
Having the subway on campus is a very exciting prospect though!
When I first moved here to TO a few years ago the transit maps said their was a bus route in the North West that didn't connect to the subway. I have a newer version of the TTC map and it doesn't mentions the route # and I can't remember the route # but I wonder if it is still running and still doesn't connect to the Subway/RT routes somewhere. Now that the subway is being extended will this orphan route now connect to one of the new stations on this extension?

No. You are referring to the 99 Arrow Road bus. It will only be connected if the Sheppard line is extended west to Jane.
