Wonderland Station would also serve the new hospital as well.

Doubtful. You're basically talking a whole concession block, unless they did something creative with that station box. But it could certainly be an easy shuttle ;maybe even the hospital can use that parking in the off season.

That was my recommendation during the EA study. It ran from Downsview Station to King City by Jane St at $1.2 Billion and would be in service at least 4 years or more now. We would have save a few billions by not building the subway based on its current cost so far.

Wait, an LRT to King City??? I get Seneca is something of a minor destination but only after 10km of corn. Maybe it'd be in service (though that subway would have opened 2 years ago if on schedule) but it would but absolutely empty and losing boatloads on operations, erasing what you think you saved on capital.

Anything north of Major mack for RT is a stretch but what you're talking about doesn't make sense at all, with due respect. You can't just look at a project and see how much further it could go if it was a lesser mode, on principle.
Transit in York Region is all jokes. FTN (Frequent transit network) is 15 minutes or better in RUSH HOUR!!!!! All the money spent on some glorified viva glass shelters for some bus that comes 15 minutes. The VIVA Blue (Yonge) runs every 19 minutes past 11pm and they want a subway to Major Mac on both ends? *shaking my head* How about a train every half hour north of Steeles past 10pm. Half an hour should be enough time for one train to do a round trip from Steeles to Major Mac and back.

Thus there will be only one train allowed in York Region on each side during evenings and weekends. The ATO system will detect that and turn back all other trains till whatever is in York region enters Toronto again. :D

I feel like Pioneer Village should at least have "Steeles West" written in small font underneath on the subway map. It's not like there's a Steeles station on the other side to tell you which street this is on (that is to say, if you look at St Andrew you can look to the right and see that it's King St, and for Osgoode you can look to the right and see that it's Queen St, St Patrick you can look to the right and see that it's Dundas St, Queen's Park you can look to the right and see that it's College St; for Pioneer Village, not only is there not a Steeles Station, even if there were, visually it's so far away on the map it would be hard to guide your eye to the right alignment to find it).
Since people are discussing it, there are only two possible turn-back points on the extension - Wilson and Finch West. There was originally going to be a pocket track north of Downsview, but they ended up building it north of Wilson to avoid having to expropriate the businesses above it.

You forgot about the double-crossover at Steeles West. Also, the pocket track north of Wilson has been postponed indefinitely.

Toronto, Ont.
Transit in York Region is all jokes. FTN (Frequent transit network) is 15 minutes or better in RUSH HOUR!!!!

Welcome to North America; where 15 minute frequencies for a bus are very good. Crap compared to immediate neighbors (TTC) but great for the continent.

Actually, 10 to 15 minute frequencies isn't even all that bad for rush Metro service either. Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, DC, ... run most rush Metro service in the 10 to 15 minute frequency range. Even NY has plenty of branches in the 15 minute frequency range (though they aggregate to provide very high frequencies through Manhattan).

Personally, I think it was a huge waste of money and they should have spent a decade with simple jump queue lanes putting $100M/year subsidies into the line to boost ridership (then build something); but what York Region did isn't out of line with US transit agencies.
Crap compared to immediate neighbors (TTC) but great for the continent.

Or Brampton Transit, for that matter. BT operates 19 routes with 15 minutes or better rush hour service. There are only 6 in York Region: Viva Blue, Viva Purple, Viva Yellow, and the trunk sections of local routes 4, 85, and 91.
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Or Brampton Transit, for that matter. BT operates 19 routes with 15 minutes or better rush hour service. There are only 6 in York Region: Viva Blue, Viva Purple, Viva Yellow, and the trunk sections of local routes 4, 85, and 91.
This!.....I live in the most suburban setting you could imagine (end of a court...backing on to golf course....no sidewalks....etc.) and am about a 4 minute walk from a bus with 7 minute frequencies and if I choose to walk 6 minutes in a slightly different direction I can get to a more frequent route :)......not sure why this can't be done in other places.
This!.....I live in the most suburban setting you could imagine (end of a court...backing on to golf course....no sidewalks....etc.) and am about a 4 minute walk from a bus with 7 minute frequencies and if I choose to walk 6 minutes in a slightly different direction I can get to a more frequent route :)......not sure why this can't be done in other places.

Because those "other places" think the solution is to cut service and increase fares, and then they act all surprised that ridership goes down even further as a result. I'm talking to you York Region.
Is the Doors Open lineup finalized at this point? Because it looks like there will be no TTC yards on the list this time. I guess the TYSSE stations will be the main attraction instead.

Speaking of which, it says that the York University station has free parking which I'm a bit skeptical about. Does the station have its own parking, or will I have to park on the university grounds (which we all know is expensive as hell) on the Saturday that the station is open to the public?
Speaking of which, it says that the York University station has free parking which I'm a bit skeptical about. Does the station have its own parking, or will I have to park on the university grounds (which we all know is expensive as hell) on the Saturday that the station is open to the public?

Perhaps the TTC made an arrangement with the university for free parking for Doors Open. York parking isn't exactly busy on Saturdays in the summer, normally.

That said, the Archives of Ontario right next to it lists paid parking. then again, maybe the TTC is setting up something of their own. Could ask Brad on twitter if you really want to know.
What does Vaughan metropolitan centre look like in real life, as of right now? Is there any density to speak of?
Perhaps the TTC made an arrangement with the university for free parking for Doors Open. York parking isn't exactly busy on Saturdays in the summer, normally.

That said, the Archives of Ontario right next to it lists paid parking. then again, maybe the TTC is setting up something of their own. Could ask Brad on twitter if you really want to know.
The irony of having to offer free parking for people to come check out a new subway station!

I get they probably can't for safety reasons but it would have been neat if they had a train that left Sheppard West every 1/2 hour or so and crawled through the tunnels to the open house stations.....before I get barraged with why it can't happen....I get it....it would just be nice.
