The reason is to improve wayfinding for people who can't read english well or at all. It's also much faster to read on signage and takes up a fraction of the space. You and others obviously have an attachment to the old names but to anyone new to the city they are clumsy and mostly unhelpful.

the dummy down of society. Great.
That's a concept map intended to illustrate how the lines 1-4 system could be expanded. It doesn't even have the right number of stations on it (look at Finch and Sheppard), and has a completely fictional station on Eglinton in the form of "Weston-Black Creek"

I am 98% sure the lack of stations on Line 6 and 7 is intentional. Weston-Black Creek Station is the Line 5 station currently known as "Mount Dennis".

The TTC has never allowed duplicate station names before in their history. Why would they start now? And in any event, Metrolinx will be naming the new LRT stations.

TTC will be operating the stations, so I'm pretty sure they'll get to name them.
I really don't see the issue with duplicate station names.

You don't see an issue when an announcement says there is no service at X Station when there is more than one of them? Sure, they may tell you the line number as well but it can still cause confusion. Especially with the garbled transmissions they have on the trains.
Those are secondary (as in not the primary) institutions. And there's a long tradition of having college's at University going back the Middle Ages.

But this is like having renamed Ryerson Polytechnic as Ryerson Polytechnic University - an unfortunate name that was quickly fixed.

What about UCL, University College London?
the dummy down of society. Great.

really? easy for you to say. Is everyone who takes the TTC suppose to know English well, including visitors?

I am sure you will have no problem in navigating through a subway map like this


  • tokyo-train-map.jpg
    99.6 KB · Views: 798
really? easy for you to say. Is everyone who takes the TTC suppose to know English well, including visitors?

I am sure you will have no problem in navigating through a subway map like this
View attachment 43303

But it does not look like that. How does knowing a line is called 1 vs Bloor, yonge, etc going to make things easier for the non-English speaking person?
But it does not look like that. How does knowing a line is called 1 vs Bloor, yonge, etc going to make things easier for the non-English speaking person?
Because they'd recognize 1 or 2, but might not be able to recognize 블루 어 - 댄포스 or 영 - 스파 다이나
But it does not look like that. How does knowing a line is called 1 vs Bloor, yonge, etc going to make things easier for the non-English speaking person?

Because non-english speaking people can still understand what numbers are.
