
Just wondering if there are any plans to have the tip of the building light up in blue...From what I recall from seeing the model a few months back was there was a dark blue lighting which was supposed to illuminate the top...
Is anyone else really disappointed with Spire? I just don't get the appeal of it, especially now that it's wrapping up. The tower just strikes me as very blah. The random panels are awkward, the crown doesn't seem to go well with the tower, the lowrise is bunker-like, and now that the hoarding is down it turns out it's a disaster at ground level too (no trees, no street interaction, a big exhaust unit at the NE end that's bound to be a homeless magnet, and no attempt at streetscaping on Adelaide).

And it's not that I dislike aA in any way. I think 18 Yorkville is one of the best new highrises in the city, and I'm also very fond of what they've done at Radiocity. They just really seem to have shit the bed on this one. Or maybe I was just expecting so much more from them, based on their past successes.
I agree with you. Especially on the efforts made on Church and Adelaide. I work in the area and walk by it everyday. Pretty big let down from my vantage point. Hopefully, the retail tenants will be given some power and influence on making the street level on Adelaide more appealing.

As for the podium, for the time being I’m going to hold judgment on it. True, its not your typical podium design but there is something about it I find fascinating. Might be because of the previously mentioned window design on the north side or maybe its just simply the contrast between it and the tower. Whichever way I think just on it’s own merit it's quite a unique structure.
It's not the gleaming beacon presented in the initial renderings- but projects rarely surpass the promo pics. I dislike the yellow panels, but otherwise I think it turned out quite well.
a big exhaust unit at the NE end that's bound to be a homeless magnet

Only part of the sidewalk that wasn't covered in snow last night.
It looks really good from my place - it will look better when it's occupied and lit. None of the units had lights on last night in the snow.

From what i've seen of the low rise to the north/east end of the property, it appears that they have dropped the ball on this one. This bunker style complex completly sticks out and does not integrate well visually with the tower...

Anyone have any recent updated pics of this?
Re: spire

Here are some. Taken a few weeks ago.



Re: spire

I think Spire has turned out excellently - except for the "bunker-base" section. The use of pre-cast there is surprisingly graceless and bland, and does not integrate well with the building. In fact, the north wall looks like an homage to the former 'CoffeeTime' building up across the corner on Church and Richmond's NE corner.
As for the tower proper, from sidewalk to crown, I personally think it's marvy.
Re: spire

In fact, the north wall looks like an homage to the former 'CoffeeTime' building up across the corner on Church and Richmond's NE corner.
Haha, never noticed that, but so true!
Re: spire

From a distance, spire looks great....but the way it meets the street, maybe not so great. It's interesting to compare it with the Met, two similar-sized buildings, I think the Met will be much more successful at ground level.
Re: spire

Does anyone know what's going in the podium ground floor?
Re: spire

The base of podium will house a health facility. Which includes a sauna, gym, change rooms and a yoga/multi-purpose room.
Re: spire

^ That's too bad... Church Street could use more retail spaces around here.
