Speaking of which, I'm finally getting around to doing my second Skyline 2010 shot as we speak. Not from this angle, tho. If Wylie provides me with a shot of his BA model from this angle, I'd be happy to quickly edit it in.
Spire is a class project all the way, and a welcomed addition to the skyline. It's also a nice addition at street level. I can't wait to see it all finished off.
Hoarding is completely down. Strange that they are not putting any trees on the Church side.
i'm really disappointed with spire at street level, especially on church. that low rise building presents such a dead face
Re: Spire (UT

The corner at Adelaide and Sherbourne has nice, high ceilings (in the area where the sales centre is) and would make a great food shop/cafe along the lines of Le Gourmand at the Morgan. The sidewalks are also quite wide along Adelaide, which would possibly allow some outdoor seating. Hopefully they will put some trees along Adelaide to compensate for Church.
It does seem a shame there wouldn't be any trees. It would help transition from the Cathedral/park across the street.
I agree. Looks like they will be spending a lot of effort on the parkette just west on Lombard St. Surely they could take a few extra trees and dress up Church St.
N/W Corner?

Any idea what's going in the North/West corner behind the MCI building? Right now I think it's parking...
How the heck did you dream up that "handle"?

BTW, our lawyers will be in touch.....
Re: N/W Corner?

UT, I'm surprised no one got it earlier.

That area is going to be the park. I've never seen a drawing of it.
Re: Spire (UT

There's a concept drawing of the park in the agreement of Purchase and Sale. It looks like they are planning to plant quite a few trees in straight lines (at least that was the plan at the time, as this is going back over 3 years).
Re: N/W Corner?

There are photos on the Architects Alliance website. It looks like there are 3 or 4 rows of trees all underlit. Should be really pretty all lit up.
Re: Spire (UT

Cladding for mechanical floors started going up. Same as the rest of the building.
Re: N/W Corner?

There was a light on in the lower mechanical floor last night. It looked really good lit.
Re: Spire (UT

Have they started the interior finishing work on the lobby?
