Neat shot. For a moment I did a double take...."what city is that?".

I thought that for a second too. That angle, completely captured out of context from the rest of downtown, makes that mini-skyline look like it it is from someplace else. Great capture and really interesting perspective on the various mid and mid-to-high heights of this district.

Also, given the colouring of the photo, doesn't it look like the Pantages is attached to St. Mike's?
No argument here. Dry cleaning processes can use some really fun chemicals (dry cleaning processes are not really restricted to clothing). A while back there had been talk of restricting the types of dry cleaning operations that could operate in residential buildings on the basis of the solvents used. I've never kept track of the issue.

Not sure about the restriction from residential buildings (although it would make sense), but I did some work involving "PERC" regulatory efforts (the "solvent degreasing regulation") a couple of years ago. My recollection is that the feds(?) were instituting a declining hard cap on the amount of PERC that could be sold. New drycleaning facilities would need to be "environmentally friendly" (i.e. not use solvent degreasers) unless they could acquire permits from established users.

I didn't stick around to see whether a market developed, but the theoretical discussions pointed to a national Kyoto-style market for PERC emissions.
I was going through some old photos and I found these two of Spire. Taken July 2007 from the 8th floor of the Jazz building at 167 Church Street.


Thanks for that vantage point! Is that deck actually open to the residents? I'd think a railing would be necessary.

The deck isn't open to residents. The units on the deck have a terrace with a railing. For the photos I was leaning over the railing.
Jazz was open to visitors during Doors Open back in 2006. At least the first couple of floors. At the time maybe half the building was occupied. The upper floors were still under construction. We skipped the Doors Open tour and grabbed an elevator. We pushed every button of the upper levels until we found one floor that was open to us. Here's some shots that I took.





even though Spire is one of my favourite recent projects, I wonder now that it has been finished for quite awhile, does the thread ever get locked or retired?

was cool to see that Jazz has some greenery on the roof, its best feature in my opinion....
I hope it doesn't get closed or locked, but the admins will eventually find that large threads will rape their database (vbulletin is a horrible piece of crap).
