They've started delivering top-soil for the parkette and they're ripping up the sidewalks along lombard.
Adelaide entrance to lobby. Workers are washing down interior windows so they are getting close to opening.


Back side.

Soil for the park.

Entrance off Church. Looks like no retail for the Church side.

Framing for the mechanical floors.
Are the lobby interiors done? When I passed by a couple of weeks back there seemed to still be quite a bit of work to do in the lobby.
The framing is up now on the south east corner, ie, where the concrete is not.
A suite on the second floor has been painted something other than white. Sidewalk on Lombard is being removed while other parts are being repoured. Sales centre on Adelaide is closed. Sign says its reopening Oct 7 in the Spire Tower itself.

Absolutely love those vertical stripes on the east and west faces of the building! Thanks for the pics by the way...
Thanks, Ed, for the update! Things are moving along quite nicely now. My fingers are crossed that my move-in date will be accelerated earlier but I doubt it. Once I move in I'll take interior pics and post.
If you've seen the "postal code" sales centre (old muffler site) the semi-transparent, gem-like multi-coloured glass will blow SP!RE's lame attempt at colour... outa da water. 'bout time.
^ yes, Spire's yellow panels are lame...they look like blown out windows patched over with plywood.
Indeed, instead of providing dramatic flare it rather looks like windows waiting for repair; I think it's their seemingly random placement. Maybe black would look better..?

Otherwise one of the better highrises to be built in recent years.
"If you've seen the "postal code" sales centre (old muffler site) the semi-transparent, gem-like multi-coloured glass will blow SP!RE's lame attempt at colour

I prefer the stripes of coloured spandrel glass over M5V sales office which reminds me too much of the montreal's awful Palais des congrès - too much colour is definitely not a good thing
I wouldn't want a whole city of Montreal Congress Centres, but there is nothing at all awful about the one that's there. The coloured facade makes for a unique, fanciful, and very playful spot, both inside the building (the walkway behind the glass is a joyful marvel when the sun is shining through the coloured panes) and outside in Place Jean-Paul Riopelle. Riopelle's wonderful The Joust, a black sculpture set in a fountain, is set off terrifically by the contrast with the Congres Centre's colourful windows.

Or so says me. Some of the most popular photos on my Flickr page are of the Congress Centre's magical windows. If you want to check them out, they start at this one and go for 6 more photos, ending with The Joust.

Love how Spire stands out in this photo. Taken by Mercadian on SSC.

That is a great shot, thanks!

The best thing about Spire, for my money (which is precisely none, though I know people who have spent precisely lots) is the way it bookends the core when seen from Adelaide, near the corner of Younge and Stump. The core just tapers down to nothingness from other perspectives, but Spire looms at the end of Adelaide, taking up sky and announcing the city's presence. I like it.

Spire: the tower the whole office can agree on!
