The full Broadway Boogie Woogie effect of the vertical stripes is finally coming into play, and animating the building from a distance.
Speaking of spires, the panorama above gives the impression that BCE has one. It actually looks good topped off with the CN Tower's tower.

As for the yellow, I don't mind it. But I agree that a different colour would have been more striking.
Second floor unit at the corner of Church and Jarvis has been painted and now has furniture. I assume it will be a model suite for the sales office that opens in the building this weekend.
I noticed that there are signs up on the hoarding today announcing a new release, model suite and 2007 occupancy...
He knows you know. He was just being ornery, bless him.
I'm probably not the only one thinking "phew! the balconies turned out fine."

"As for the yellow, I don't mind it. But I agree that a different colour would have been more striking"

It's not the yellow that bugs me, it's just that since the blue panels are such a close match to the windows, the yellow panels seem accidental. I wouldn't mind some white or even a few red panels thrown in.

"The core just tapers down to nothingness from other perspectives"

I liked our skyline before all these condos went up. The eastern "Scotia" wall is really the only one left now that Gardiner-area condos have tapered off the south side. Our old skyline may have been the butte of jokes since there are so many skyscrapers crammed together into one almost indistinguishable blob (thank goodness for the variety of colours, from black to dirty white to maroon to gold) but (and this is possibly derived from watching 'The Crimson Permanent Assurance' too many times) I love how we just went "You want a skyline? Here's your skyline!" and built a huge dense block of skyscrapers next to a freaking huge tower in the shape of an arm with its fist raising the middle finger. The "nothingness" is what made our skyline kinda unique.
Loretto updates from Context's website:




The yellow panels are joined end-to-end with other panels to create strongly vertical slashes of colour: the yellow acts as a highlight within those larger visual elements - rather like highlights in a painting that contribute energy to the over all effect. This is more obvious when you see the building from a distance.

They're unashamedly decorative too, which probably confuses those who pigeonhole Clewes as The Minimalist Guy.
This morning walking to the office I was trying to decide what shade of yellow those delightful panels are. They aren't lemon, or sunshine, nor even Sister Parish's buttah yellah.
Doesn't it rather depend on the ambient light?

It was overcast a few days ago. All the tall towers in the core were tonally about the same - except for Royal Bank Plaza, which blazed gloriously as only it can do in such lighting conditions. It upstage all of them. Sunrise has a similar effect on the silvery Commerce Court.
Well, yes, of course. but there must be a name and a pantone number for the shade somewhere.

Scotia Plaza looks ablaze when the sun is low in the sky. It's quite an effect.
