The name would have been more suited for a toilet paper company.

As kids, my sister and i would howl in the backseat when passing a sign near the cottage - Bumstead Plumbing. Silly thing is, I still giggle. Growing up is highly over-rated.

Foolishness aside, I'm thrilled this project is finally underway. A huge and missing piece of the puzzle in the evolution of the neighborhood. The new playground in St. James park is a smash hit, as is Berczy Park. The 2nd round of rebuilding St. James Park will hopefully begin soon. That and the rehabilitation of the parks along the Esplanade. So many new and wonderful places to live and work and play. Downtown East, positive change like nowhere else in Toronto.
Is the laneway park on the west side of the North Market going to be redone. My gosh is it a sorry excuse for public space/park (I cannot imagine most major cities allowing a public space, in such a prominent and tourist neighbourhood, to fall so badly out of shape).
Is the laneway park on the west side of the North Market going to be redone. My gosh is it a sorry excuse for public space/park (I cannot imagine most major cities allowing a public space, in such a prominent and tourist neighbourhood, to fall so badly out of shape).
Yes, of course it is. Market Lane Park has certainly fallen into disrepair but it will (largely) be used as a construction staging area during the construction of the new North Market so it really made no sense to keep repairing it and, as you know, the Market construction has been amazingly delayed. (For example, the fountains lost water when the old North Market was demolished as they got their supply from it.)

Market Lane Park will be re-done at same time as the new park where the temporary North Market now is is converted to park use and the intention is to create a corridor between St James Park (where Phase 2 of its restoration is about to start) and David Crombie Park (where the Master Plan is nearing completion.)
Yes, of course it is. Market Lane Park has certainly fallen into disrepair but it will (largely) be used as a construction staging area during the construction of the new North Market so it really made no sense to keep repairing it and, as you know, the Market construction has been amazingly delayed. (For example, the fountains lost water when the old North Market was demolished as they got their supply from it.)

Market Lane Park will be re-done at same time as the new park where the temporary North Market now is is converted to park use and the intention is to create a corridor between St James Park (where Phase 2 of its restoration is about to start) and David Crombie Park (where the Master Plan is nearing completion.)

Just give it all to Claude Cormier - I can't think of anyone/firm better suited.

