Svenglezz ... cut it with the ASHRAE 90.1 deal already, I see it in multiple threads ... we get you point

If the City is no longer asking for ASHRAE calculations, does that not suggest its a non-issue? Its important to note that new buildings (glass or not) exceed OBC requirements and are able to obtain LEED certification ratings based on energy conservation standards established by Canada Green Building Council

If you are that concerned about glass condos, just don't buy one ... stop forcing everyone else in UT to agree with your point of view ...

Are lot's of Condo's/Apartment buildings in the US cities mostly all glass like so many in Toronto?

Toronto is not the only city with new glass buildings, that is the standard world-wide, its just architectural trends ... besides, Toronto is not mostly all glass buildings ... only a high proportion of the new ones are glass (it does not make sense to build a 50 storey brick/cladding tower, imagine if that was applied on L-tower, yuk)
Hello again,

I put the ASHRAE 90.1 in a few threads...the building that are def. an issue, this is a forum is it not?

The City does require the arch. and eng. stamps and signature with two other check box forms, but are not asking for the calculations...but make no mistake about's still required to have buildings pass this requirment.

I would never buy into a glass condo just for this very reason I stated in another thread...I'm going off the grid and soon hopefully give power back into the grid and make money (similar to Europe).

With respect to other places and buildings, just because others are building like this makes it right...that's why I posted in buildings/threads that are grossly not compling to this requirment...please note it realy only applies to Condo's / Apartment. In a commercial building this can be over-come with other options and you have a greater flexibility with mechanical systems etc. With a do not have this flexibility due to the suites being individual units with all ductwork withing the suite.

Green regards,
Dear Casaguy,

You are very right. I did think long and hard before posting this info just on that fact alone.

The clients/engineers I work with follow this code, it is our job to ensure we design to code and protect the developer from things like this.

But it seems some are doing what the developer ask without questions, prob. if they say no you can't do won't get any future work from that client.

And as you can see from this thread and a few others on here the welcome on this forum is not very warm, unless you agree with the masses :( if not you get a messege from an admid. to stop or be banned (without breaking any of the rules). :rolleyes:

But I knew this would happen....don't understand thow' why everyone is so against this...just trying to ensure Toronto follows code and protect the purchasers and better now then later after 25 more glass building go up.

Green regards,
Boy svenglezz, I bet you're the life of every party now aren't you.

I can just picture all of the panicked party guests coming up with secret hand signals for each other trying to ditch you.

Maybe you and Dichotomy should hook up.

Hey! I am being a good boy and staying out of this one!

;) Why do you think I chose 'dichotomy?' I am usually the life of the party (Monty Python, anyone?) but friends wonder why I haven't run for politics before. (Answer: I'd walk in with an uzzi one day and go 'postal.')
I guess people are not fully understanding this...

It is required...but if I show you the calculations, my bet is you would have a hard time understanding it, unless you are familar with this code and software. And I am assuming this because you don't even know what this code is and that it is required, let alone going to the web site and reading this information yourself.
Green regards,
svenglezz, no one has a problem with you posting info but rather how you do it. Spamming the threads with info that people probably won't really understand in a relentless authoritative tone probably isn't the best way to get your message out. Rather than becoming informative I think you've just become annoying.
Caseguy is right; this spamming is more than annoying.

Perhaps Svenglezz will heed the recommendation made above to start a topic on ASHRAE and keep the discussion contained to that one thread in order to save the threads from this tedious dialogue.

Moving on...
Please note I'm kind'a new to this here....not trying to spam anything or anyone :( please excuse me :eek:. I did follow up to the Admin. and said I will not create any more.

I did post in a few condo' building threads here that looked like they would not pass,...and even one that will pass with no problem, was trying to give input.

So posting "postive" Enwave Energy info is ok (and many thanx for that), but "negative" possibly not to code info....where many people put there life savings into some of these condo's as there home or as an not k' got'cha'....(I'm keeping my mouth shut from now on, everyone cont. on with building glass buildings).

But one thing did come of this for' some reactions and truly shows' that not many people out there know about it.

Green regards,
Sven, stop acting like you're being oppressed.

First, you're experiencing a backlash because you've repeatedly posted information that people are frankly not interested in discussing, not because this forum is full of biased Enwave stakeholders.

Second, you're preaching to the choir. I'll bet most of us are just as concerned about how green these buildings are, but you've presented it in such an annoying way that even the most hardcore environmentalists among us want to drive you in an SUV to Alberta and drown you in the oil sands.

For the third time, start your own thread about it and contain the discussion.
Sven, stop acting like you're being oppressed.

See, we're already seeing the violence inherent in the system. should be run by an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We could take turns to act as sort-of-executive officer for the week.

/We interrupt this programming to annoy you and to make things generally irritating. And now, back to Trump Tower Toronto
The clients/engineers I work with follow this code, it is our job to ensure we design to code and protect the developer from things like this.

But it seems some are doing what the developer ask without questions, prob. if they say no you can't do won't get any future work from that client.

Misuse of one's stamp constitutes professional misconduct. Just report them to PEO, and after the humiliation of appearing in the blue pages, they may get their licenses revoked.
Misuse of one's stamp constitutes professional misconduct. Just report them to PEO, and after the humiliation of appearing in the blue pages, they may get their licenses revoked.

Unlikely, the PEO and the OAA are organizations designed to protect their members, nothing more.
Unlikely, the PEO and the OAA are organizations designed to protect their members, nothing more.

You're confusing the PEO with the OSPE (Ontario Society of Professional Engineers).

The PEO's primary mandate is to protect the public interest (including acts of misconduct by engineers), while the OSPE exists to serve the profession.

edit: spelling error
