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Copyright ©2008, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
It's American so I imagine we don't follow it?
It's American so I imagine we don't follow it?
No, I think we're good. But thanks.Also if anyone want's more info no prob. more then happy to help.
Ok Grey no prob. y'r not the only one out there
May be others in these and many other building wondering if there building is to code. cause I see many built already and MANY planned that DO not even come close to meeting this REQUIRMENT.
Plus Grey you can always go to the web site get all the info you want
get the info and see for yourself.
Have a good night,
Sure hope this building hook's up to the Central lake water cooling system in downtown Toronto...cause they will need it...I don't think this building will pass the ASHRAE 90.1 calc's what is Code.
You figure a developer from the US will know that all high-rise building must follow this code.
Are lot's of Condo's/Apartment buildings in the US cities mostly all glass like so many in Toronto?
This is going to be HUGE problem for some of the buildings with MOSTLY glass...they don't seem to pass the ASHRAE 90.1 software.
Green regards,
This is going to be HUGE problem for some of the buildings with MOSTLY glass