When do you snap this - I think that's me in the middle of the intersection!!

Light grey shirt, dark pants - directly below the red light on the opposite side of the street.
When do you snap this - I think that's me in the middle of the intersection!!

Light grey shirt, dark pants - directly below the red light on the opposite side of the street.

I was going to say look at the timestamp in the photo exif data, but he doesn't have the time set right apparently, as it says July 8, 2008 at 5:05 AM.
by me:


sorry guys is it just me or the first floors look like uneven? :cool: anyway it's nice to see Trump growing and growing :D
sorry guys is it just me or the first floors look like uneven? :cool: anyway it's nice to see Trump growing and growing :D

Welcome to the forum. They are uneven because the floors are ramps spiraling upward. That's how the cars will get up to the higher floors. Read back though this forum and you'll get the picture.
It's really shooting up fast, this intersection will be vastly improved when it's finished. I'm curious to see how the cladding will mask the ramps.
When do you snap this - I think that's me in the middle of the intersection!!

Light grey shirt, dark pants - directly below the red light on the opposite side of the street.

Geekaroo, can you thumbnail the picture in question or post it to flickr? I can't see (or access) some photos that are linked to other websites because file sharing and message boards (other than certain specific ones, like this one and flickr) are filtered out by my office's computer system.:(
Welcome to the forum. They are uneven because the floors are ramps spiraling upward. That's how the cars will get up to the higher floors. Read back though this forum and you'll get the picture.
oh.. thanks 41stfloor :) now I see... makes sense ;)
I'm skeptical myself, but I just got a call that curtainwall is going to start in three weeks. If that's the case that means by the late August there should be some wall up.
It'll be great when it finally starts making an impact on the skyline. I think the rooftop lighting spire will add value to the area's presence.
I'm skeptical myself, but I just got a call that curtainwall is going to start in three weeks. If that's the case that means by the late August there should be some wall up.

Yeah, it will be interesting to see as well how they do the cladding at the last level of parking up to the "Level 7 Mezzanine", as the last level of parking facing onto Adelaide will be a double height ceiling.
That's not that unusual. They'll probably just throw some steel up around the perimeter of the building where the "missing" floor would go to provide somewhere to attach anchors.
I'm skeptical myself, but I just got a call that curtainwall is going to start in three weeks. If that's the case that means by the late August there should be some wall up.
Does the podium have curtain wall? I thought it was just cladding on all of the parking levels.
That's not that unusual. They'll probably just throw some steel up around the perimeter of the building where the "missing" floor would go to provide somewhere to attach anchors.
The reason they are doing construction using the post tension slabs is so they don't have to do many different transfer slabs.
When do you snap this - I think that's me in the middle of the intersection!!

Light grey shirt, dark pants - directly below the red light on the opposite side of the street.

I took the picture at 5.05pm yesterday afternoon. I haven't set my camera time correctly yet...
july 9

The car folks must be in heaven to have another lane to use now that BA is done. They can't wait until this one is done.




Even with the flash, the light was not great to see the steel beam ramp going up to the first floor to the east that wider at the bottom than the other section going to the west.

Geekaroo, can you thumbnail the picture in question or post it to flickr? I can't see (or access) some photos that are linked to other websites because file sharing and message boards (other than certain specific ones, like this one and flickr) are filtered out by my office's computer system.:(

The picture in question is caltrane's, so I don't have access to repost it per-se.

