I took the picture at 5.05pm yesterday afternoon. I haven't set my camera time correctly yet...

Ah - not me then! Funny, I don't know myself.

If you haven't been to the corner of Bay-Adelaide, recently folks, Trump is really starting to have a dominating effect on the intersection. Having worked here for years, it's incredible to watch the new massing of the intersection happen.
Does anyone know who's responsible for fixing the street after a construction job is done? With a lot of projects wrapping up construction, I can't help but notice just how terrible the condition of streets are around these sites.

They patch up the worst parts but my god some parts are terrible. The developers should be on the hook to repave the street if it's deemed too bad. Actually, most major streets downtown now are in bad shape. Years of dump trucks and heavy construction equipment has really taken a toll on our streets.
Does anyone know who's responsible for fixing the street after a construction job is done? With a lot of projects wrapping up construction, I can't help but notice just how terrible the condition of streets are around these sites.

They patch up the worst parts but my god some parts are terrible. The developers should be on the hook to repave the street if it's deemed too bad. Actually, most major streets downtown now are in bad shape. Years of dump trucks and heavy construction equipment has really taken a toll on our streets.

True. Yet I rode down Sherbourne Street for the first time this year to hit St. Lawrence Market the other day. The road and bike lane area is terrible, the southbound bike lane is actually dangerous it's so bad yet I wouldn't have expected it to be in such poor condition.
True. Yet I rode down Sherbourne Street for the first time this year to hit St. Lawrence Market the other day. The road and bike lane area is terrible, the southbound bike lane is actually dangerous it's so bad yet I wouldn't have expected it to be in such poor condition.

Yup, now you know why cyclists take Jarvis. haha.
Does anyone know who's responsible for fixing the street after a construction job is done? With a lot of projects wrapping up construction, I can't help but notice just how terrible the condition of streets are around these sites.

They patch up the worst parts but my god some parts are terrible. The developers should be on the hook to repave the street if it's deemed too bad. Actually, most major streets downtown now are in bad shape. Years of dump trucks and heavy construction equipment has really taken a toll on our streets.

Temperance Street (which is actually the roof of part of an underground section of the BAC and its parking garage) is being repaved right now. It should be in great shape following the BAC1 construction. Maybe we should build all our streets like it, and put parking underground everywhere . . .

Adelaide is a mess, in part because of the cut and cover construction of the new PATH tunnel and the chopped streetcar tracks. After Trump is built, maybe it will be repaved and the tracks rebuilt. Of course, BAC2 (I hope) will then be under construction and Adelaide will be subject to serious wear and tear all over again . . .
Will wonders never cease. The curb lane on Adelaide has been ground down and is now being repaved. Logan, all I can say is make more postings like the one you made that started this discussion, as evidently you have become an oracle of unwitting clarity, with your mere questions reborn as prognostications of immediate future events.

(This posting is now more related to BAC, but since the discussion started in Trump and BAC is just across the street, I'll keep it here for continuity.)
July 13

Next floor supports going up.

Some better light to see the ramp.


That really surprised me how they divided up the driveway space. I wasn't expecting there to be that flat section leading back out to Bay St.
^I've been wondering about that too. I was looking at the ground floor plan for it yesterday, trying to figure out how the parking traffic and basement loading and unloading patterns would work. It's a full service hotel and will need lots of deliveries, etc.

What is notable is that the full ramp down to the basement has been more than half covered up with the flat section back out to Bay. If this is a change in design, then it happened well after construction was underway. It also causes a lot of wasted underground space, which this site cannot afford.

Last night it occurred to me that this could just be a "temporary" feature to allow concrete and service trucks better access to the site until construction is completed. It is a very small site, after all, and the access to it is restricted in the extreme. After construction is completed, the full ramp down to the basement would be re-exposed and the upstairs parking ramp expanded. Anyone have a different thought?
If it was temporary I'd have expected to still see embedded plates in the south wall to allow for a future widening of the driveway. But then again there's a million ways they could run the supports at some later date, so maybe it is temp. Would certainly make more sense than what they have now.
If i counted correctly, they are now pouring the working on the 9th floor.
