Construction update

They are just starting to pour the floor for the eastern half of what appears to be the 11th floor (10th level, meeting rooms). Most of the perimeter columns and the elevator core on the western half of this floor have already been poured. :)
Taken today

But the east to west length of the building is almost equal to that of the B-A centre's east to west length. And I've always feel that the B-A centre is somewhat stubby for its height because of its proportions.

I would agree with this. When you compare the widths of B-A to First Canadian Place, they're very similar. But FCP is what, 15 storeys taller (give or take, I don't know the exact numbers)? If B-A were on its own, it would look perfectly fine. However, when juxtaposed next to FCP and Scotia (which especially from a N-S view is very thin) makes it look even more stubby. Just speaking from a 'grand skyline' perspective. When I was watching it going up, I wasn't sure how high it was going, and I was a bit dissapointed to see it stop where it did, I figured it had another 10 storeys left in it.
Hey!, Thats an interesting shop of Trump ^^^

I haven't seen Trump from that angle/perspective before... But Trump looks out of place/awkward from that angle.... and the shot makes it look like it isn't the financial district... Cool stuff-

Trump is being built to meet the sidewalk - just like many other buildings in the area. There is nothing awkward about.
I just walked past Trump and they have started to install the cladding supports on the north east side (along Adelaide). Maybe cladding is day.
I just walked past Trump and they have started to install the cladding supports on the north east side (along Adelaide). Maybe cladding is day.

Well hopefully that's the case!

Trump needs some serious cladding... it looks really bad for there to be a concrete stump in such an important/busy intersection... But chances are, we won't see actual glass till it reaches the 15-20th floor... so next month or later...
The cladding is what's going to make or break this building for me. The renderings do nothing for me. If they use top quality materials then this building might just surprise me.
Construction Update

They are just starting to pour the floor for the western half of what appears to be the 12th floor (11th level, hotel rooms). The floor plate has now stepped in about 6-10 feet on the south side. Construction speed should pick up a bit given that we are now on to standard hotel room floor plates for the next 20 or so floors. Frustratingly, I still can't get a really good shot down from my height. If only I could open a window and aim my camera down . . . yyzhyd, Geekaroo, can either of you get a decent shot from above/across?
Here's a shot I took yesterday of Trump... Sorry for the crap image quality because it rained so I had to take it from a car...

Srry for the Crap Image Quality but it shows Trump rising... It's definitely on the 12th /13th floor...


Photo by me: steveve

Enjoy :)
thats for sure... Toronto will become more known as a World-Class/High-Class city... Many prestigious cities get a Trump building built in their city... it's gonna be a nice addition and hopefully a symbol of wealth in Toronto which we might not seldom get... Not to mention it's gonna be a landmark and will be Toronto's second tallest (I think Canada's too)... But Scotia Plaza will look taller (and it should be) because trumps little invisible spire will count for height...
