steveve.....Dont forget to tag on those 2-4 rumoured extra floors.:confused::D

Well... even if 2-4 floors are added... I still think Trump will be shorter at it's roof compared to Scotia... Plus, Trump is REALLY skinny so it looks puny compared to the MASSIVE sides of Scotia... Trump might get "Trumped" ! he he he...

But the 2-4 floors aren't official yet... right?
Glass was dirty - but an interesting angle nonetheless:

Clasps for Cladding

Not gonna be long now

^Yes, agreed. We're well above the parking garage now, so the naysayers have been effectively silenced.
I was in T.O. today and i saw this building for the first time in person. on my usual trips i go down university. I saw the brackets and I thought to my self it won't be long befor the make or bake point of the building. Heres hoping the cladding is decent.
Seen a commercial on CP24, it was Trump in the bedding business with The Brick. He is simply amazing, what a brand.:D
