Look at the 14thflr north el. the entire north face has a slight curve...see how the slab edge is slightly proud of the face of columns in the middle then back to flush at the ends? Just one of the many changes I have to deal with.

Is that curve going to continue up the side of the tower?
Oh! I always noticed that curve in the renders, but thought it was just some sort of effect used for display. That's an interesting detail, although I'm not sure it suits the building, with it's clean edges. It looks like a bulge, and does appear to go up almost right to the top on the entire north side. While the west facing side is just straight. We've never seen a south side render, so I'm not sure what that side looks like, or the east side for that matter.
I noticed the curve, but it only seems to be on that floor, I don't see it on the floor above. Who knows what it will look like when the cladding is on.
I can see it on the floor above where it starts, but it's not as noticeable... strange.
It will look like this:


Where the granite stops the glass curtain wall will be slightly curved.
Trump actually seems to fit in with the street scape extremely well at ground level.

I wish I had x-ray eyes to see through the hoarding
From this view it looks like the hoarding does bulge out.

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ah! i see it now! thanks for the clarification red mars!
Ugh. FCP's podium is such a waste of space. Very evident in the above photo, as well as the earlier one from Bay south of King.

Trump sure is going to be slender. Now that it's poking its head up through the cluster, you can compare the floor plate size to that of its neighbour B/A. From the east/west it looks to be about half the width of that porker, and will be over 200' taller, which is going to create one great looking profile.
what...? its a perfect staging area for the reclad! I'm still unclear what the function of the scaffolding is on this job... I though they would just do everything from the hanging platform. If anyone could explain I would appreciate it. sorry if I've missed an earlier discussion...
what...? its a perfect staging area for the reclad! I'm still unclear what the function of the scaffolding is on this job... I though they would just do everything from the hanging platform. If anyone could explain I would appreciate it. sorry if I've missed an earlier discussion...
It appears the main use so far is for the construction elevators. I guess we'll have to wait and see what role, if any it plays in the hanging platform.
what...? its a perfect staging area for the reclad! I'm still unclear what the function of the scaffolding is on this job... I though they would just do everything from the hanging platform. If anyone could explain I would appreciate it. sorry if I've missed an earlier discussion...

I'm speaking from a largely urbanistic viewpoint. Plus I am still bitter that its creation necessitated the loss of some great deco structures.
Interesting to see it poking out from different vantage points now. It really is shaping up to be much more slender than it appeared in the renderings or at ground level
