barely inside the top 10, which says a lot for the progress of recent construction and proposals... I love skyscraperpage as a handy reference but I kinda stopped being a daily visitor when they scrapped the city photos section years ago because of bandwidth problems.
Whenever I look at that listing I always think trump being second tallest is a joke. The spire that finishes it off is no more substantial than the tower on top of the CIBC building. I think trump should be 4th or 5th in that diagram.
^^^ I somewhat follow the logic of that but its hard to conceive that they would give up 10 floors of potential sales merely based on the convenience factor. Unless you have some inside information about this reasoning I would still question it... I seemed to get the impression that it was physically impossible to accomodate the extra elevators needed to offer express service to the upper (penthouse) floors. Or.... it could all be b.s. because sales were slow (less than the 70% usually required for financing to go ahead?) and they wanted to proceed so simply reduced the size of the design to get the numbers they needed.

Hi Redroom,

You are correct in that the extra elevator requirements are maybe 50% b.s. - basically sales were not going very well with the larger units while many of the smaller units were selling okay (keep in mind that Trump was lingering on the market well before the other 3 luxury hotel/condo competitors). A couple years ago the unit mix and tower design was altered in favour of the smaller units and therefore dumping many of the larger units sitting in inventory. The end result was an increase in total units with a reduction in the floor count. The elevator issue as a reason for reducing height is somewhat legitimate as the many additional units (and even more had the 10 other floors been kept) would have significantly reduced capacity. However the real hidden issue here is that the only reason why the elevators became
a capacity problem is because the larger units were not selling, so the interior unit mix had to be altered to address that problem. So a number of floors were chopped off.
and it works because of the mixed materials and the fact that there are no other (tall) green buildings in the financial district!
Very cool vid Cal!

The cladding has done a great job covering up the parking levels! As you can see in Cal's video, the floor plans for the hotels are pretty straight forward now (linear)... This one should shoot up fast now and i can't wait to be looking up in a few months! It's so skinny and its gonna look freakin tall! :D
From a few days ago.

Hey! Great progress/shot!

It really emphasizes the cladding jumps on the East/North side of the building and how VERTICAL we're going@ :D
Anyone here know how they're attaching the cladding to the building? I find it kinda fascinating but all I see are brackets (if that's what they're called) and the actual stone/glass pieces.
Another excellent video update! :D

Trump is looking stunning! Especially the west side: so much cladding, so skinny, and so tall!
I find it quite astonishing how less than three years ago, I parked my car exactly where Trump is being erected, for a Leaf game (Which they won BTW).

It also appears that the glass being installed follows the colour scheme of the ORIGINAL renderings, when Trump was slated for 70 plus stories. Does anyone know why they have opted for the original colour scheme as opposed to the blue-ish glass of the newer renderings?
Thanks for the the video the way its the same installation company for the curtainwall panels that did B.A.C.
