TrumpToronto: I sent you a PM but haven't heard back from you, so I'm posting my question here:

While it's great that Toronto is getting this building, I must ask this - what is going on with the East side of the building? The bottom 20-odd floors look really out of pattern and quite unattractive. I understand the first seven floors or so are parking and require adequate ventilation, etc., but the uneven shapes of the vents along with the blank spaces are strange. Why is it like that? Will this be changed before the building officially opens? I don't understand the indented blank spaces in the granite (which are not either the vents or the glass windows) - what's going on with these? I would appreciate a response either way.
I'm guess the "indented blank spaces in the granite" is for the Art installation which I understand will need a strong support and electrical. I personally will hold my opinion on the base of this building until the art is installed.
(I hear you about the east side though, what an eyesore. I highly doubt anything will be done about it.)
Anyone find it that when you're at the base of the structure, the tower doesn't look all that tall?.. but when you see it from a distance you notice how tall the tower already is?.. its really weird, its probably cause its so dense in the area that the tower is having trouble breathing, but thankfully its already stretching upwards now :)

The immutable laws of optics - don't ya just love 'em?
The bottom portion is pretty dated looking. It reminds me of that tall building in the back-ground in picture 4. Sort of an early 80s feel to it, with the combination of glass and cladding. The all-glass part looks much better.

It is instructive, from a design point of view, to compare the ground floor aesthetic of the Bay Adelaide tower across the street - all openness and light, pleasing proportions, a lobby that is sympathetically differentiated from the tower above it, and engaging lobby artwork that can be enjoyed at all hours - with the closed-in, bunker-like street level appearance of Trump. The way that great snot-green stripe down the side meets the street is especially crudely done.
Crane poking out from the south:

glass portion on the south side!!! :D NICE!!!!

Thanks for the updates Jason! trumps having a huge impact on the skyline now! With every new floor, this tower will emerge from so many new angles providing us with some new vantage points!

For some reason it never looks like trump has alot of floors (i guess cause its only got about 30 or so floors with high ceilings... so it creates an illusion.. but when people are standing next to it, you can get an idea of how huge it is because people look like ants compared to it :D)
Another angle:


Thanks for that awesome angle interchange!, there's always been something hypnotizing about trumps glass! its just so awesome and shiny :D i can't seem to get enough of it.
This building shaping up into the outdated, clunky turd the renderings implied it would become. Oh the irony of watching bad Zeidler go up while good Zeidler (Ontario Place) faces the prospect of a wrecking ball.
This building shaping up into the outdated, clunky turd the renderings implied it would become. Oh the irony of watching bad Zeidler go up while good Zeidler (Ontario Place) faces the prospect of a wrecking ball.

hater.............. :p lol
Trumps design is a blend of classic and contemporary, nothing can be done about that.. its just the way it is :)

going back to interchange's shot, i noticed on the top floor they're working on, there seems to be only 1 or 2 cutouts/doors in the concrete, anyone know why that is?, it seems like a weird floorplan to me.
This building shaping up into the outdated, clunky turd the renderings implied it would become. Oh the irony of watching bad Zeidler go up while good Zeidler (Ontario Place) faces the prospect of a wrecking ball.

So whats your point :confused:...Ohhh keep Ontario Place as is and implode the Trump tower before it gets
