by me


The cladding has been stuck for a while, because of the Skylobby I'm assuming.

It has been "stuck" for a while because they've been working on the mechanical levels, which are just as big as the Sky Lobby/Spa/Restaurant levels. Not exciting, but pretty important levels in the building! They are now starting on the first floor of the residences this week!

I was up in the building this week. Pretty amazing views. I'll try to post some pictures when I get a chance.
from today...

From around Adelaide & Duncan

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

The cladding really makes it look like one of NYC's nondescript, forgettable towers that you might find around Times Square (cladding that was meant to be covered by billboards and signage anyway). There's something very 1990s / early-'00s about it. Kind of like a tiled desktop wallpaper in Windows 95.

Looks spectacular from a distance, though!
The cladding really makes it look like one of NYC's nondescript, forgettable towers that you might find around Times Square (cladding that was meant to be covered by billboards and signage anyway). There's something very 1990s / early-'00s about it. Kind of like a tiled desktop wallpaper in Windows 95.

Looks spectacular from a distance, though!

Loving that analogy, I actually fully agree. More thought should have went into the cladding of this tower; it's really made me take the entire project not as seriously.
This tower has quite a few characteristics of an NYC skyscraper. especially since its situated on such a puny lot thats between some really huge skyscrapers.. love it or hate it, this is awesome use of such a lot! :D
the shortcoming of this building for me certainly seems to be in the windows in the lower granite clad levels. It seems very sloppy how there are so many different sizes of windows with different spacings between them and the quality of the windows seems really crappy too. I'll still hold out some hope for the finished product, but so far its turning out a bit disappointing for me. But the chopped upper levels are not going to help the final look, I really loved the original 70 storey proposal .. that shot of Donald standing beside the model is sweet! always worth another look:

In England, you can sometimes see buildings that were constructed between 1696 and 1851 when the Window Tax was in effect. In order to avoid the tax, which was levied on properties with above a certain number of windows, owners occasionally bricked some of them up; on new buildings they were left as blank insets in the wall so that they could be punched through at a later date if the tax was lifted. Neither explains the dog's breakfast that is Trump, of course.
The cladding really makes it look like one of NYC's nondescript, forgettable towers that you might find around Times Square (cladding that was meant to be covered by billboards and signage anyway). There's something very 1990s / early-'00s about it. Kind of like a tiled desktop wallpaper in Windows 95.

Looks spectacular from a distance, though!

I think the striking colour and dramatic massing saves it, and I kind of like the retro Trumpiness of it too.
All the hate surrounding this building seems to revolve around the lower (granite) sections of the building. but looking at the model, isn't the upper portion of the building FREAKIN SEXY!?. and if you ask me, the upper face of the east wall is REALLY nice, especially with the glass/the way the setbacks work.. i'm sure the model is what the actual building will look like in real life (just shorter, and a darker shade of cladding) :)
I liked the original 70+ Storey model, any chance they will just essentially say "screw it" and tack on the few more stories?
