Re: TrumpToronto

I don't buy at all that this is indicative of a soft market at the high end in the fact, it seems that market is much bigger than anyone thought. What it IS indicative of is that the flashy, tacky Trump brand is NOT a good fit for TO, where wealth is a much more understated phenomenon for the most part. Believe it or not, the town may have some taste...
Re: Trump

So how tall is the redesigned Trump going to be? We should know for sure next week, but I will take a stab at it.

The earlier version had 70 floors for 284m (to main mechanical roof), plus 41m for the spire. The two lowest floors appeared to be double-height, giving a residential floor height of about 3.94m, a typical 'luxury' floor height.

Eliminating 13 residential floors will decrease the total height by about 51m, to 273m. If the spire is also eliminated, which is quite possible (its whole purpose was to cheat the height of Trump enough to become the 'tallest highrise in Toronto', and would now simply be a needless expense), then the chopped Trump becomes about 232m in height, in a group with all the new 210m to 240m towers planned for Toronto:

240m Aura (will very likely be approved with minor changes)
232m chopped Trump
223m 1 Bloor East (will almost certainly be higher after redesign)
218m Bay Adelaide Centre West
217m Signature (also likely to increase)
214m Shangri-La
213m Ritz-Carlton

A lot of people seem to want the site it is to be built on to remain empty, rather than see this shorter Trump. I must disagree, for the following reasons:

1) The site is so small that it is quite possible that no tower would ever be built there otherwise -- and if one were, it might well end up even shorter than the chopped Trump.

2) 232m is still quite tall. There are only 5 other highrises built or planned in Toronto that are taller.

3) Numerous people have already placed deposits on suites there, and have in many cases waited years so far for construction to begin. Is it fair to them to be told that there will be no highrise after all (especially after financing has been obtained for the shorter version)?

I am no fan of the building -- dare I say it, I like Sapphire Tower a lot more -- but I don't HATE it the way some forumers seem to. How much of that dislike is due to the building, and how much is due to the 'name' associated with it? (the same question applies to Sapphire)

I think a lot of people here also hated the Ritz version so its not just Trump.
Re: TrumpToronto

cancelling this project outright would send a very negative message out worldwide, about the local marketplace, especially to people who are not that familiar with the strengths of T.O....better to build it to a shortened height, than not at all.
Re: TrumpToronto

Excellent news. The voodoo dolls of Eb and Donald, the little pins, everything has worked out just nicely ...
Re: Trump

I see this as a positive thing. We've just had a close shave with Bad Architecture and now there is a golden opportunity for someone to design a fine building worthy of this prime downtown site. If Eb's silly Buck Rogers tower had been built it would have been decades before someone took the wreckers ball to it - too depressing to contemplate. Now we have a reprieve, the gods of Good Design are stirring and hopeful, and the dark clouds have drifted away. We keep our fingers crossed ...
I'd rather see this project be cancelled, and perhaps another developer will want to build a LANDMARK tower on the site. IF I was one of the purchasers of a unit at a high floor, especially the penthouse, I'd be one ticked off customer.
Re: TrumpToronto

I think the word would have got out if the penthouse had sold.
Notice up at the site today saying a request for changes will take place on April 25 to reduce the height to 57 floors.
Re: Trump

The pissing contest between Trump and Stinson over who's would be the highest was such theatre. Yeras later, one has vanished, probably never to return; the other is suffering from shrinkage.
Re: guaranteed to add 20 more stories or your money back!

this would have never happened if they were building a viagra or cialis tower.
Re: TrumpToronto

I pretty much agree with Mongo. Although I'm still hoping, probably in vein, for a design change.
