approx 60 floors @ Trump vs 50 @ BA, but of course the ceiling heights are variable at Trump. In general office buildings have taller ceiling heights compared to residential or hotel buildings so floor count is not really a good or direct comparison here.
That assumption seems to be about correct. The roof height of Trump at 256m and Bay-Adelaide at 218m leaves a difference of 38m. Assuming an average floor height of 3.5 to 4m that leaves the equivalent of about 9-10 floors, but I'm assuming all of those floors won't be occupied and also takes into account the 1/4 onion dome. There seems to be quite a-ways to go yet.
nice ^^^^ the canopy thing is coming in.. lets hope to see some big-bold "trump international..." letters there.
I think conservative black spandrel would've matched the granite better than that sea foam green. It would've turned this Maybach into a Bentley.

Amen and +1. Would have added some much needed contrast for sure. It looks overly-exposed or something at the present time. Maybe the clad will darken up as it ages? Who knows.
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'twas staring at this vulgarity through the binoculars today: really looks huge when zoomed in so close.


That brown/beige brick warehouse tower (in the foreground) is on Sterling, right?
Does anyone know which company it was built for?
And are there any loft conversion plans for it?
Nine towers from MLS to Bell LBX, all lined up,... all last 3 years.... Thats crazy addition...even in Hong Kong thats crazy. That s just one section of town too,,, and with Ice coming and L tower too...Major changes.
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