LOL, by "setback" i actually meant physical building setbacks that will shrink the floorplans further up, but thats okay! awesome insider info nonetheless! :D
Ah, lol! I'm fairly certain that the only remaining setbacks are at the roof level, where it steps back into the onion dome.

Are you suggesting that the onion dome might be left out of the final design?
No, not at all. That would be ludicrous. At this point, the onion dome is being manufactured, and the installer is already assessing the logistics. It would cost the owner money to cancel it. I would be really surprised if this happened.

What I'm saying is that the onion dome itself is a potential setback. How exactly will it be installed? How long will it take? It's a BIG issue. A huge question mark.
Thanks wopchop.

Taken today from Moss Park



No, not at all. That would be ludicrous. At this point, the onion dome is being manufactured, and the installer is already assessing the logistics. It would cost the owner money to cancel it. I would be really surprised if this happened.

What I'm saying is that the onion dome itself is a potential setback. How exactly will it be installed? How long will it take? It's a BIG issue. A huge question mark.

I see. Thanks for clearing that up!
This building looks like it's only grown a few stories in the last 4 or 5 months. I thought it generally only took about a week per floor. Any idea why this is going to slowly?
This building looks like it's only grown a few stories in the last 4 or 5 months. I thought it generally only took about a week per floor. Any idea why this is going to slowly?

They've poured six stories in the last 6 weeks. At least.

More pictures;

The pool area on L31



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Caltrane recently said that Toronto "gets kicked around like an old tin can" and little wonder given the sad state of it's architecture. Most of the tallest buildings in Toronto are featureless rectangles. The CBD is so incredibly focused that the ten tallest buildings in the city are all within a few blocks of each other too. Trump finally provides a little architectural character and personality and gets criticized left right and center for it. It seems that Taranna can't win, although I agree with one thing-the uneven floors do make Trump look a bit weird even though overall I like the building.
thank you for this veiw pont.. i have been waiting for someone to finally get this side and from a further away vantage point. great photos!
Caltrane recently said that Toronto "gets kicked around like an old tin can" and little wonder given the sad state of it's architecture. Most of the tallest buildings in Toronto are featureless rectangles. The CBD is so incredibly focused that the ten tallest buildings in the city are all within a few blocks of each other too. Trump finally provides a little architectural character and personality and gets criticized left right and center for it. It seems that Taranna can't win, although I agree with one thing-the uneven floors do make Trump look a bit weird even though overall I like the building.

That's because most of the guys on here are in bed with Mies. I can't figure out the obsession with minimalist architecture in this city. Our firms don't seem to have any other influences but the boring, 'clean line' boxes from the 60s. We could sure use some more outside influence as well as more frequent international competitions. And why can't we use other materials than glass? Glass has been the predominant material used to build skyscrapers for what, 30 years? It got tiresome a long time ago. I wish there were stone masons around these days.
Yes there's so much going up here that even Aa buildings, which I generally like, are coming across as somewhat derivitive now. In condos most buildings have trended towards the 'safe', which is unfortunate considering the unpresidented number of projects. But it's nice to see some buildings with more organic form in Absolute, and the new Libeskind should also help buck the trend of strictly horizontal and vertical lines.

I would love to see more buildings with real stone facings, even if only on the podiums. Too much glass and precast makes for very bland and untextured streetscapes.
I am really welcoming the design of Trump in general terms. I agree with most of you who are saying that the clean-lines "box" thing should be given a rest. While I appreciate the beauty in TD Centre, it doesn't have to be the model for all others. (Neighbouring Bay-Adelaide just bugs me, "good urban manners" and all - it's just a bloody bore).

With Trump, however, one aspect really bugs me: the site was so perfect for some genuine height. In fact, the render still suggests that the body of the building would rival Scotia Plaza in height, and now the reality is that it won't even come close.

It really is too bad that the developer chintzed on the height at the end of the day. I am sure they were spooked by the fact that there are three other 5-star hotels going up at one time in Toronto.
Wasn't there an issue with the height vs the footprint, and this was with respect to the elevators? In any case I feel your pain! I would love it though if this one were another 4 or 5 floors. I don't think I'd want to see Trump taller than Scotiabank but it would be nice if Trump stepped down a little less from it.
