Five direct hits by Hume! He must have had a very hard time narrowing down the ugly to merely five. He is rightly outraged at the way trash architecture seems to be the norm in this city! I think Trump gets #1 because of its prominence and size as well as its ugliness... two newbies need a good kick in the ass for those

Well...their untutored newbieness *does* come off in their "top ruins the entire skyline" 161 Bay dis. If anything, it's probably the most *underrated* skyscraper-for-its-size downtown--I suppose that its being finished at the beginning of the 90s recession when people were getting jaded by PoMo and its playing second fiddle to Calatrava are the main reasons why it's underrated. But IMO the top is the best part--not least because it's less Empire State than Kharkov Gosprom, i.e. less Art Deco than Soviet Constructivism. (Of course, said newbies wouldn't know what the heck I'm talking about. That's their problem.)
Hmmm, Pounced on by the old guard. One thing I'll tell you is that I've probably been around longer than most of you senior posters so my views are fairly refined. My interest in architecture and tall buildings began somewhere near Steveve's age and I've enjoyed
seeing Toronto grow. I have a suggestion, someone start a thread a la Hume with Tornto's 5 ugliest and 5 best looking buildings and I can almost guarantee more than a few will choose TD Canada Trust Tower as the ugliest blot on our cityscape!
seeing Toronto grow. I have a suggestion, someone start a thread a la Hume with Tornto's 5 ugliest and 5 best looking buildings and I can almost guarantee more than a few will choose TD Canada Trust Tower as the ugliest blot on our cityscape!

Given the competition out there (justified or unjustified), TD Canada Trust would probably get lost in the maw, as opposed to the usual Chedingtons and NY Towers and French Quarters and even (let's be fair) ROM Crystals. You'll find that fewer people than you're betting on are just that riled up about TD Canada Trust...
You know something adma, I do agree with you on a couple of the buildings which you mentioned, not so much with the Crystal. However, the Canada Trust Tower is very evident on our skyline and that jumble of boxes on top doesn't work for me no how and the mast is nothing more than an elongated billboard for TD. By the way, I do know why they designed the top as they did. Because supposedly everyone likes corner offices. All
good and dandy, some people are satisfied. Not me!
to keep you guys on the leash
From TrumpTO's youtube:




And below Ivanka, (i haven't watched the video just yet, so i HOPE Trump tower is mentioned in here)
From MacShimmie on youtube
I was wondering why she looked kind of big, I thought she just had a few to many of those ice cream bars. Shes more articulate than I figured her to be.
sorry, it says 57 stories on the thread title page, i thought it was to be 59. did i miss something?

I dont know anymore, on their website it states 60 storeys and same height that has been mentioned all along...276.885 meters

Rising 60-stories and 908-feet (276.885 metres) above Toronto, this dramatic granite and glass curtain-walled landmark will be instantly recognizable throughout the city.
It would be extremely bizarre if the drawings that we were looking at for construction of the onion dome and spire had the wrong elevations or number of storeys. I'm more inclined to believe that the number on the official website is wrong, than that we are working from the wrong drawings, especially as they are going to go out for fabrication any day now.
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You know something adma, I do agree with you on a couple of the buildings which you mentioned, not so much with the Crystal. However, the Canada Trust Tower is very evident on our skyline and that jumble of boxes on top doesn't work for me no how and the mast is nothing more than an elongated billboard for TD. By the way, I do know why they designed the top as they did. Because supposedly everyone likes corner offices. All
good and dandy, some people are satisfied. Not me!

Note: I didn't raise the Crystal because of my own opinion on it. I raised the Crystal because of my sense of others' opinions on it. (Which may be on "monstrous carbuncle" grounds, or on "great idea, terrible execution" grounds. Or whatever else.) And it's only by way of searching for a Pug-esque party line (which may be far from unanimous; in fact, the Crystal is one of those perfect "both best and worst list" candidates) via UT.

And whatever you, yourself think of TD Canada Trust, whether it "works for you" or not--I just don't get the sense that it's universally loathed as an ugly-blot skyline eyesore. Or if "more than a few" agree with you, "more than a few" might agree with anything.

And frankly, judging from your last series of posts in this thread, I wouldn't be surprised if you don't know what the heck "Soviet Constructivism" is. Look, you may claim to have "probably been around longer than most of you senior posters so my views are fairly refined.", but something still smells of Sunday-painter amateurism to me here...
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