The only smell wafting through the air here is the stench of your elitism. This fart you posted is drivel. These forums are every man's forums! And I'm very happy in my "amateurish" skin. To throw your "Soviet Constructivism" and "Pug-esque Party line" at me because I voiced my opinion about a butt ugly building by calling it butt ugly smacks of Sovietism or for that matter any other tyranny. Use a sledge hammer to kill a fly not a flyswatter.

Again you miss the point Mr. Been-Around-Here-Longer-Than-You. It's not a matter of whether you like the building or not, it's that there just isn't enough of "you" to make your distaste a real issue.

adma has accurately covered the veteran-cum-everyman contradiction above.
Though it's not to over-embrace TD Canada Trust, either--as I've suggested, it's a building surprisingly un-talked about for its skyline prominence. And I think if there are "issues" with it, it may be more with its relatively bland shaft than its so-called "butt ugly" diagonalized dirigible-mast finial. (Compare its sister building at 181 Bay, which eschewed its finials for economic reasons--the result is neutral-to-a-fault, maybe the ultimate "background" skyscraper in town given how nobody ever talks about it.)

True, there may be others who have issues w/TD Canada Trust's aesthetics. But you can say that about the other skyscrapers downtown: to go by speculation and actual opinions offered out there, TD (unyielding 2001 Also Sprach Zarathustra box within a barren moonscape); Commerce Court (supposedly lesser Pei and a lesser neighbour to Mies); First Canadian Place (the tallest and the worst, Ed Stone strikes again); Royal Bank Plaza (garish 70s glitter); Scotia Plaza (garish 80s Gordon Gekko red granite); Bay-Adelaide (blaaand glass box); and the present Trump. In the end, I suppose, all of contemporary Downtown Toronto is crap...
that east wall is turning out delicious! btw: where have all the haters gone on this thread? we haven't had any hurtful comments in a while :p

This building is and will be dreadful-looking. Sorry, steveve, you asked for it!
that east wall is turning out delicious! btw: where have all the haters gone on this thread? we haven't had any hurtful comments in a while :p

I'm not going to allow the word haters become par for the course on UrbanToronto. It adds nothing to the discussion, and tries to dismiss all criticism of a project. This forum is for discussion, not rubber-stamping, and not name-calling. Going forward, posts dismissing the opposing view as coming from haters will be deleted.

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At what rate is this tower climbing? 2-3 weeks per floor? It just seems to be taking forever.

Structural for L49 was complete at the end of March (the 31st), and structural for L53 finished on the 11th of May. So a little more than six weeks for the four floors. They lost a lot of days due to the poor weather (and annoying lawyers), so that isn't too bad IMO. They'll be slowing down a bit now, too, as they have to re-jig the RCS, and also halt for a week for concrete stressing and reshoring.
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I'm not going to allow the word haters become par for the course on UrbanToronto. It adds nothing to the discussion, and tries to dismiss all criticism of a project. This forum is for discussion, not rubber-stamping, and not name-calling. Going forward, posts dismissing the opposing view as coming from haters will be deleted.


Though, as someone who despises this design ( and has said so from the very beginning ... ), I'm not opposed to being called a "hater". I hate the opportunity for a better building on the skyline that the construction of Trump represents, for instance, and take what little comfort I can in the fact that it will be the tallest almost invisible tower in Toronto, blocked from view in most directions. And I've been comparing it unfavourably to the under rated TD Canada Trust tower from the beginning too - and as construction has continued the unfortunate comparison seems truer by the day. Given that Skidmore Owings Merrill designed or co-designed TD Canada Trust, I stand by my view that it's a fun take on New York deco rather than on Soviet Constructivism, however.
Big "lunchbag letdown" from this project. The one thing that could have redeemed it: height! Perfect locale / corner for something approaching or exceeding 70 storeys. This is a squandered opportunity.
Big "lunchbag letdown" from this project. The one thing that could have redeemed it: height! Perfect locale / corner for something approaching or exceeding 70 storeys. This is a squandered opportunity.

Maybe so, but given the paltry size of the lot , it's surprising that Trump poked up this tall. Shocker's comment about the invisibilty of the tall Trump is somewhat premature, - the anticipated onionesque topping could change all that. I hope it's classier than the Donald's .
Looks like Trump, and especially its spire, will be quite visible from the traditional view:


Untitled by Prometeo90, on Flickr
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Another angle:


East End by spoonifur, on Flickr

Ouch. Trump looks especially terrible when approaching Bay/Adelaide from the west along Adelaide, but I thought that was only from up close. But even from afar it looks terrible - the random balcony glass colours and inconsistent and mismatched floor heights are visibly ugly looking even from this distance.
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