I remember a while back in this thread when people thought that the ships ladder on the spine of the onion dome was temporary and only to be used during the construction phase, because it interrupted the vision of the architects.

Funny how that worked out.

Good point. I'll prepare my comb-over, just incase! ;)
Where's Trump Toronto. He should be able to clarify for us, as it'd be nice to settle the spire issue once and for all.
I'd just assumed the BMU would be extended to high-reach, once there is sufficient room on the roof. But yes, let's just wait and see.
I'd just assumed the BMU would be extended to high-reach, once there is sufficient room on the roof. But yes, let's just wait and see.

The BMU is already massive. Honestly, it looks like an anti-aircraft gun. It's certainly the largest one that I've ever seen, and it still cannot reach the full length of the spire (or around it), which is why the crow's nest exists in the first place.
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Where's Trump Toronto. He should be able to clarify for us, as it'd be nice to settle the spire issue once and for all.

The crow's nest debate already took place weeks ago. TrumpToronto never said a thing about it, which I took to mean that the answer was not a good one.

It seems odd that for almost a century now developers and architects from all over the world have built skyscrapers with massive domes and spires of all shapes and varieties, from the Chrysler Building to the Petronas Towers, and yet every single one of them managed to do it without having to affix an unsightly crow's nest to them, except for Trump Toronto that is.

This is Third World level design and, frankly, it's embarrassing.
At least the base seems to match original renders!... Oh well.

freshest shot of trump yet.. that LED strip on the corner is slick, very shiny too.. maybe they cleaned all the windows or something

street level seems to be live around the tower too! tons of pedestrians using those fresh new sidewalks.
It seems odd that for almost a century now developers and architects from all over the world have built skyscrapers with massive domes and spires of all shapes and varieties, from the Chrysler Building to the Petronas Towers, and yet every single one of them managed to do it without having to affix an unsightly crow's nest to them, except for Trump Toronto that is.

Exactly, which is why no matter how disappointing the building is, nobody is that stupid.

If that much cash makes you nervous, I can also pay in flawless diamonds.
If the crows nest is in deed permanent, the least they could do is cover it with some kind of interesting material or just paint it green to match the glass. Right now it's glaring in it's raw metal scruffiness.
the least they could do is cover it with some kind of interesting material or just paint it green to match the glass. Right now it's glaring in it's raw metal scruffiness.

They didn't, for the same reason they wouldn't to the window-washing equipment...it's not a permanent fixture of the building.

If cash & diamonds are too garish, you may have your choice between a Robert Longo (Men in the City) original, or a Keith Haring ( sorry, but the Basquiats are getting too valuable).
Petronas towers have globes on their spires, so does Taipei 101. Trump gets a wheel.

Big deal. Paint it green and be done with it.
Petronas towers have globes on their spires, so does Taipei 101. Trump gets a wheel.

Big deal. Paint it green and be done with it.

please don't compare the vertical cow patty that is Trump to buildings that are serious. you're just embarrassing yourself.




*yes i know that's not Taipei 101


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Hmm. It seems that the Petronas Towers do in fact have crow's nests affixed to the top of their spires. They certainly do a much better job of integrating them into the design though.
They certainly do a much better job of integrating them into the design though.

Yes, and those towers carry a consistent design all the way through.

Sometimes I wish that Trump Toronto would have simply ripped off Trump World Tower in New York: a tall black rectangular box, simple and consistent.
