That's strange, I wonder what happended? Are you going to post a link to the video

Unfortunately the kids had to be elsewhere at the last minute for other Trump business. It came about very suddenly Thursday afternoon. It was disappointing. But these things happen. As long as Mr. Trump made the trip, all is good! :)

And related to an earlier comment by someone else... yeah... we've had lots of laughter and fun with this project. It's been a great experience! And to have the groundbreaking ceremony go as smoothly as it did today was an absolute joy! And now... I'm going to enjoy the rest of the weekend! Cheers!
Stinson's completely lost his marbles. Apart from that, this has been a great day for Toronto. It's gonna be awesome watching this sucker rise.
thanks for all the info you provided TT !!
always look forward to your posts !!

I await the day you post, " SURPRISE HEIGHT INCREASE "
The Harry isn't looking good.
"But Trump also has a softer side and his attitude reveals his feelings about money and worthwhile causes. He's doled out a huge amount to help build an aquatic centre in Regent Park at Dundas and Sumach Sts., a condition of the approval for his new edifice five years ago. The price tag: two million dollars. Did writing such a large cheque phase him? "No," he answers without hesitation. "It didn't bother me at all."

Probably because he didn't write the cheque.

That's what I was thinking. Is any of his money going into this project? I thought he was just being paid a licensing fee.
