Which also goes to the self-serving politician argument. If people honestly don't like Trump then don't buy his products or vacation at any of his named-branded properties or even ban him from ever steeping foot in Canada because he's a racist bigot. But to argue that removing the Trump sign is somehow going to bring about world peace is ridiculous and "funny". Yes, "funny" that a local politician calls Trump a fascist.

If removing the sign makes people feel all warm and cosy and that the world can somehow return to normal, then I'm happy for you that you live in such a delusional world. But Trump's recent comments are rooted in recent events caused by radicalized hate groups hell-bent on destroying anyone who doesn't believe in their cause. The true fascists are ISIS. To put Trump in their league is silly and embarrassing.

If Skeezix wants to pick apart my argument line by line, word by word, then so be it. Lawyers already run the world and do this anyway.

But the truth is that removing the Trump sign, as Matlow would like, as written in the Star article posted above, is silly. I find that "funny". Simple as that. But others have twisted around my point. In no way do I find ISIS and other radicalized, fascist hate groups funny.

And let me know if your thoughts change if/when we have a terrorist attack inspired by ISIS at Yonge/Dundas Square killing 100 people. You think this is just an American or European problem? The attack on Parliment Hill last year was a taste of things to come. Or will we just let this all pass, because that would be the politically correct thing to do? Lord knows we shouldn't offend terrorists, because, you know, they might want to bomb us up and all.

But yes, stick with the argument that the sign needs to be removed. All hail, Matlow. "Bring down the sign". Maybe people are picketing Trump tower right now. That would be an effective use of people's anger towards terrorism. Right?

Once the sign is down, and you got what you want, then world peace will result, I'm sure. And maybe the penthouse will be finally sold haha.

Canada: The Delusional Bubble.
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so how about the led lights finally work, eh guys??

People talk as if Canada is insulated from World events, including what happens in the US..

A leadership void has existed in the western world for decades now and Islamic extremists are exploiting it to push their agenda forward. Canada's is on the target list and many muslims agree with the ideology of Islamic world domination, even if quietly. Don't be surprised when an attack(s) happens here. Perhaps the terrorists will do the politically-correct liberally-minded a favour and bomb or burn the Trump building to the ground. Will you then say that it's his or our own fault for provoking the evil-doers?

It is clear that world events are escalating and deteriorating at a rapid pace. The next 50 years will undoubtedly see the world descend into a protracted period of chaos and war as civilizations/ideologies clash. Strong, intelligent, and unapologetic leadership will be necessary if our freedoms and security are to be preserved.

Either way, life as we now know it will never be the same again.
Pretty dark predictions there. Strong leadership may in fact be called for in the coming years. Leadership to deal with climate change issues, as much as for war between nations fighting over scarcity of resources.

Alas, a buffoon may pose as a strong leader but in time all buffoons are inevitably exposed as dangerous incompetents or blowhards - or both. Trump is an instinctively vocal mouthpiece - a narcissist whose intelligence is, let's say, questionable. Certainly he's politically shrewd, much like Rob Ford was, for a time anyway. But really, there's not much else there. America needs a leader it can unite under - Trump is only in it for himself.

Trying to change the name of the tower? A fool's errand. Better to give it a new, informal moniker. Maybe Fawlty Tower. Or Rainglass. Something.
But in Matlow bringing this to council - which has no authority to do anything of the sort - it is also pure populism (though obviously directed at a different market). Trump is worse for sure - but previously I didnt really know much about Matlow - and now I do.

Again, and I'm not sure how many times this needs to be repeated, Matlow has no intention of bringing this to Council. He said so clearly. Also has no intention of asking the City, or any level of government, to do anything with the name. He simply said the owners should change the name.

Also, Matlow does have authority to bring it to Council if he wanted. He's a Councillor. He can bring whatever motion he wants. provided he complies with procedural requirements. But, again, he's been quite clear that he has no intention of doing so.

Unclear why people are shocked that a politician is populist.
Which also goes to the self-serving politician argument. If people honestly don't like Trump then don't buy his products or vacation at any of his named-branded properties or even ban him from ever steeping foot in Canada because he's a racist bigot. But to argue that removing the Trump sign is somehow going to bring about world peace is ridiculous and "funny". Yes, "funny" that a local politician calls Trump a fascist.

If removing the sign makes people feel all warm and cosy and that the world can somehow return to normal, then I'm happy for you that you live in such a delusional world. But Trump's recent comments are rooted in recent events caused by radicalized hate groups hell-bent on destroying anyone who doesn't believe in their cause. The true fascists are ISIS. To put Trump in their league is silly and embarrassing.

If Skeezix wants to pick apart my argument line by line, word by word, then so be it. Lawyers already run the world and do this anyway.

But the truth is that removing the Trump sign, as Matlow would like, as written in the Star article posted above, is silly. I find that "funny". Simple as that. But others have twisted around my point. In no way do I find ISIS and other radicalized, fascist hate groups funny.

And let me know if your thoughts change if/when we have a terrorist attack inspired by ISIS at Yonge/Dundas Square killing 100 people. You think this is just an American or European problem? The attack on Parliment Hill last year was a taste of things to come. Or will we just let this all pass, because that would be the politically correct thing to do? Lord knows we shouldn't offend terrorists, because, you know, they might want to bomb us up and all.

But yes, stick with the argument that the sign needs to be removed. All hail, Matlow. "Bring down the sign". Maybe people are picketing Trump tower right now. That would be an effective use of people's anger towards terrorism. Right?

Once the sign is down, and you got what you want, then world peace will result, I'm sure. And maybe the penthouse will be finally sold haha.

Canada: The Delusional Bubble.

I'm not aware of anyone, including Matlow, ever saying that changing the name would bring world peace, that it would make people warm and cozy, that we shouldn't offend terrorists, or any of your claims. Do you have anything to say other than refuting strawmen arguments?

You attempt to tie this to ISIS is just kind of sad.

Nobody has twisted your "point". Your contributions here have been a confusing morass of sanctimony and outrage, and you've only been digging yourself deeper as you go along. Your "points" arrived here pre-twisted.

Just extremely odd that you are so contemptuous of someone exercising the right to free speech to say that a major building in Toronto should be renamed. Not sure if it's because you don't like free speech or some other reason, but let's just say that your "delusional bubble" comment says more about you than anyone else here.
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I admire your optimism, but the cynic in me feels Matlow's sternly worded letter to Trump Tower will do absolutely zero to change any hearts and/or minds. If you're a person that actually still thinks Trumps comment make sense, Matlow's letter will do nothing to change this.

I never said it would (nor, as far as I am aware, did Matlow). I was simply taking issue with your comments on free speech, and questioning why you seem to think taking a stand is a bad thing.
Okay, I really am going to walk away here and stick to talking about the bad architecture. This time I promise. Enjoyed debating this with most of you.
Again, and I'm not sure how many times this needs to be repeated, Matlow has no intention of bringing this to Council. He said so clearly. Also has no intention of asking the City, or any level of government, to do anything with the name. He simply said the owners should change the name.

Also, Matlow does have authority to bring it to Council if he wanted. He's a Councillor. He can bring whatever motion he wants. provided he complies with procedural requirements. But, again, he's been quite clear that he has no intention of doing so.

Unclear why people are shocked that a politician is populist.

*Technically* I don't think anyone can put forward a motion on this to city council (or at least I'd consider it bad form.) They would be commenting on a foreign powers' electoral process (and our largest trading partner at that). Now it's a bit of a grey area, since they haven't even done their first primary yet, but to officially pass a motion about a candidate in a foreign country's election seems like very bad form. Yes, other countries have made comments, but I don't believe any has passed a motion officially stating their condemnation of Trump. Again, its a grey area, but I'd be disappointed in any councillor that did - and yes, I know, no one currently is planning to put a motion forward.
I never said it would (nor, as far as I am aware, did Matlow). I was simply taking issue with your comments on free speech, and questioning why you seem to think taking a stand is a bad thing.

Your post from yesterday (#10481):
Wouldn't changing hearts and minds, and taking a stand against racism in Toronto, be a good thing?
Your post from yesterday (#10481):

I don't see how that says what you think it says. Of course it would be a good thing. I was quite clear that taking a stand against racism is a good thing. I never said that I thought taking a stand has been, or would be, successful. I was also quite clear in differentiating between the two.
*Technically* I don't think anyone can put forward a motion on this to city council (or at least I'd consider it bad form.) They would be commenting on a foreign powers' electoral process (and our largest trading partner at that). Now it's a bit of a grey area, since they haven't even done their first primary yet, but to officially pass a motion about a candidate in a foreign country's election seems like very bad form. Yes, other countries have made comments, but I don't believe any has passed a motion officially stating their condemnation of Trump. Again, its a grey area, but I'd be disappointed in any councillor that did - and yes, I know, no one currently is planning to put a motion forward.

(I've moved onto Council procedure now. )

Yes, technically or otherwise, he can bring a motion. Presumably his motion would be for Council to request that the owners of a building in Toronto change its name. Council is entitled to speak to the impact of global affairs on what happens within the city's boundaries. It does so all the time. Not sure I would support such a motion, but I do disagree with your suggestion that Matlow has no authority to introduce one. He does.
I am sure that the Trump branding of this building is tied to a legal, binding contract between all parties.... they can't just change the name because some local politician is upset at world events.... I don't like Matlow, he uses the same self-serving PC "outrage" when opposing development applications in his ward..
Let us stop bringing so much politics into the discussion of a building. This really bears little relevance to this forum. Go to the political forum for that kind of discussion, or do something in REAL LIFE to change in the name instead of bickering on the internet, which is costs nothing and achieves nothing. I can already imagine the next 10 pages about Trump's politics, and not sure if that's what this sub-forum is for.
