Sorry gang, but I just don't buy this nonesense.

I call out the credibility-lacking developer and The Trump Organization to produce a verifiable copy of the contract showing a sale at that price. He can even white-out the name of the sucker, I mean buyer.

There's just no chance in hell. No chance.

Do developers require your validation? Just curious

Let's just say your concerns are valid regarding Trump throwing out a $1550 per sq. ft. number and they actually are only selling at $1000. How stupid would that be then as it would scare away any potential buyer that could only afford $1000 per sq. ft. from ever calling them?
There are a lot of people with money to throw around. But if I had the bucks to buy at these prices, I doubt that I would buy in this building.
Gee, it must be sheer coincidence that this new poster with the "vulture" attitude has a screen name starting with "v". I wonder what it could possibly mean?
Lots of arguing on the price, but you have to remember they are hitting a certain market. And that is obviously not you or me. But man you can't argue with the location. I would love to live steps away from Old City Hall, Eaton Centre, Financial District, and a 10 min walk to the waterfront. There are barely any residences in that area, how many more condos can you squeeze into the Financial District... not many.

I know I can never afford to live there, I could see why someone would want to.
There are a lot of people with money to throw around. But if I had the bucks to buy at these prices, I doubt that I would buy in this building.

But can you really know that unless you did have the bucks? If I had tens or hundreds of millions of dollars or more just lying around, it might be fun to buy a home in the Trump tower on a whim, just to say you live there.

As for the price per square foot, I'm sure the 'more money than taste' (or sense?) phrase has already been posted many times in this thread, but I don't think that always applies to rich people. It's the upper middle class that needs to worry about taste and good financial sense because they can't afford to buy as much and need to make every purchase count. If people want to "overspend" on a Trump condo, why not? With super expensive properties, the per square foot figures stop being particularly relevant, anyway.

Of course, it could turn out that upper middle class people are the ones buying units in Trump, stretching their buying power to the limit to acquire the status that comes from owning slabs of luxury marble that are just that much better than everyone else's.
I'm sure the 'more money than taste' (or sense?) phrase has already been posted many times in this thread, but I don't think that always applies to rich people.

Most rich people have money sense and taste. The still unsold penthouses at 1 King surely attest to this.
But can you really know that unless you did have the bucks? If I had tens or hundreds of millions of dollars or more just lying around, it might be fun to buy a home in the Trump tower on a whim, just to say you live there.

As for the price per square foot, I'm sure the 'more money than taste' (or sense?) phrase has already been posted many times in this thread, but I don't think that always applies to rich people. It's the upper middle class that needs to worry about taste and good financial sense because they can't afford to buy as much and need to make every purchase count. If people want to "overspend" on a Trump condo, why not? With super expensive properties, the per square foot figures stop being particularly relevant, anyway.

Of course, it could turn out that upper middle class people are the ones buying units in Trump, stretching their buying power to the limit to acquire the status that comes from owning slabs of luxury marble that are just that much better than everyone else's.

Very insightful if I don't say so myself. You're the first person I have seen on this blog that has actually tried to get inside the head of a purchaser versus looking at it just from your own perspective.
I think there are also a bunch of companies that purchased condo units here for the benefit of travelling employees/executives, and the spending habits of corporations vary greatly from those of individuals.
The negativity never ends does it? I love it! This is a firm signed sale that was finalized on Monday. The particular 3,275-sq. ft. suite mentioned was sold for over $5-million on the 51st level. It is fact. Sorry to disappoint. These sales are in fact audited--by the bank financing the construction of the building.

And no there will not be gold-plated anything in the building. Having recently seen the interior design work that IIBYIV is completing, it's going to be very elegant, modern, bold, yet understated. And yes, new interior renderings are in process.

They surely don't. But if they want to demonstrate any degree of respectability they will do just that- I reiterate- there is just no way in hell that number is correct. I'd stake a great deal on it in fact.

They are not scaring away anyone- when the $1000 per square foot fool, I mean buyer, steps up, they will be happy to accept his money and he will be getting a 'deal'. And so it goes...

Mike- if indeed there are third party organizations that track this data is it audited or is just the developer's word? And if Talon/TO report a ridiculous fact in the media is their construction lender really apt to call it into question when they are probably sitting at a $100,000,000 and climbing to $300,000,000 construction loan? Nobody cares because it is merely un-accountable marketing. Maybe Silverman from CityTV can do a story on the fraudulent sales report. I'm sure the audience is about as big as this forum.

Food for thought people. When you can purchase bona fide luxury in Yorkville at $1,000 per square foot why on EARTH would you purchase gold-plated pseudo-luxury at Bay and Adelaide for 50% more?

Ivanka is an intelligent and attractive if not slightly amazonian woman. That's the most appealing aspect of this project.
A few corporations have purchased, but the vast majority have been individuals and couples.

I think there are also a bunch of companies that purchased condo units here for the benefit of travelling employees/executives, and the spending habits of corporations vary greatly from those of individuals.
